Strive to complete and exceed 10% of revenue estimate in 2024

To complete and exceed the state budget revenue estimate for 2024, the People's Committee of Ba Ria - Vung Tau province has just issued Directive No. 08 on strengthening budget collection in the province.

The great responsibility is assigned to the Tax Department of Ba Ria - Vung Tau province. Photo: Binh Minh

Accordingly, the Provincial Tax Department needs to study and propose tax management solutions, strive to complete and exceed 10% of the state budget revenue estimate in 2024; create new revenue sources, especially sustainable revenue sources; strengthen coordination with relevant departments, branches and units to improve the effectiveness of tax management.

The Tax Department must also drastically implement solutions to prevent state budget losses, especially revenues related to land, mineral resources, e-commerce; infrastructure construction, tourism, accommodation, food and beverage, transportation, and logistics.

On the other hand, the department needs to step up inspection and examination of enterprises in industries and fields with high tax risks and large revenue potential; enterprises with related transactions, e-commerce enterprises, real estate enterprises, and enterprises operating on digital platforms of foreign suppliers without fixed business establishments in Vietnam.

Ba Ria - Vung Tau Tax Department should focus on inspection of topics such as: transfer pricing; related party transactions; post-tax refund inspection; value-added tax refund enterprises with exported goods in the risk list; enterprises operating in the fields of mineral exploitation and real estate.

"The Tax Department focuses on handling debt collection, especially recoverable debts and land use fee debts. The tax debt ratio by December 31, 2024 is under 5% of total state budget revenue," emphasized the representative of the Provincial People's Committee.

Many departments and branches handle tax violations together

The Provincial People's Committee has also assigned the Department of Planning and Investment of Ba Ria - Vung Tau to coordinate with the tax authority to enforce tax debt collection by revoking the business registration certificate at the request of the tax authority. The Department needs to complete the inspection of the situation of enterprises abandoning their business addresses, and at the same time coordinate with the tax authority to handle enterprises that resume operations after abandoning their business addresses and establishing new enterprises to evade tax obligations.

Meanwhile, the Ba Ria - Vung Tau Provincial Police need to closely coordinate with the Provincial Tax Department in investigating and handling tax law violations. When handling and resolving cases related to crimes and violations in the tax field, the police agency must promptly exchange information, methods and tricks of criminal activities and notify the results of the settlement and handling of the cases so that the two sectors can know, monitor and coordinate implementation.

The Provincial Market Management Department needs to direct its subordinate units to coordinate with tax authorities in inspection and examination to prevent loss of state budget revenue; coordinate in collecting tax arrears from organizations and individuals with tax arrears at the request of tax authorities; coordinate in inspecting, detecting and handling cases of goods transported in circulation without invoices, documents, smuggled goods and counterfeit goods to prevent and prevent loss of budget revenue.

The Provincial People's Committee assigned the People's Committees of districts, towns and cities to focus on directing relevant agencies and units to coordinate with tax authorities to effectively manage taxes, fees and charges; ensure correct, full and timely collection of arising revenues and recover tax arrears according to the provisions of law; effectively implement measures to prevent tax losses in a number of business sectors such as real estate, resource exploitation, minerals, transportation, e-commerce and online sales.
