08:12, 12/24/2023
In 2023, although the domestic capital market faced difficulties, especially in the second half of the year when deposit interest rates dropped sharply, directly affecting capital mobilization, the Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development, Dak Lak Branch (Agribank Dak Lak) still maintained a high growth rate of mobilized capital compared to the general level in the region.
Accordingly, the capital mobilized by the end of 2023 at this unit will reach VND 10,700 billion, an increase of VND 1,400 billion compared to the beginning of the year, achieving a growth rate of 14% (this rate for the whole region is 9.3%).
Leaders of Agribank Dak Lak awarded units with outstanding achievements in capital mobilization. |
To achieve the above results, in recent times, Agribank Dak Lak has implemented synchronous solutions, such as: market analysis, promoting products and services, innovating service style with the motto of taking customers as the center; implementing capital mobilization quotas for groups and employees; launching many short-term capital mobilization competitions.
Along with that, the unit has effectively implemented promotional programs organized by Agribank; diversified capital mobilization forms, promoted the development of individual customers opening payment accounts, issuing cards, using E-Banking services, developing customers who are organizations paying salaries via accounts, opening online payment accounts, providing beautiful digital payment accounts..., associated with promoting propaganda, promoting content and utilities of deposit mobilization products to attract idle capital in the population with flexible interest payment forms, ensuring the safety of assets and interests of depositors.
Phan Quoc Luong
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