Thus, the number of candidates passing the review round of the industry and interdisciplinary councils accounts for 87% of the number of registered candidates (631/725 registered candidates). Among the industry and interdisciplinary councils of mathematics, physics, biology, and economics, the number of candidates proposed is the highest, each council has 4 candidates. For Associate Professor candidates, the economics sector has the highest number of candidates passing the review round of the industry council, including 100 candidates.
According to the regulations for considering the standards of Professor and Associate Professor, after submitting the application, candidates will have to undergo examination at the basic Professor Council. If qualified, they will be transferred to the Industry and Interdisciplinary Professor Council for consideration; after passing the examination at the Industry and Interdisciplinary Professor Council, the proposal will be transferred to the State Professor Council for consideration and approval.
According to the office of the State Council of Professors, for the industry and interdisciplinary councils of professors, they will organize the appraisal of candidate profiles and the review results of the basic council of professors; determine the professional capacity, scientific research results, and research orientation of candidates; evaluate and score scientific works... The council conducts collective, public, and democratic review at meetings; the secret ballot voting process at the industry and interdisciplinary council of professors must reach at least 2/3 of the votes of the total number of council members to ensure that the work of reviewing the standards for the title of professor and associate professor in 2024 is transparent and effective.
It is expected that the State Council of Professors will meet to consider and recognize the qualifications for the title of Professor and Associate Professor in 2024 from October 21-31.
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