Reporter : Dear comrade, it is known that right after its establishment, the Dak Lak Provincial Border Guard Force had to face the Southwestern border war. Could you please give us an overview of the outstanding achievements of the border guard force throughout the process of fighting, building, forming and developing?
Colonel Do Quang Tham : On May 23, 1975, less than a month after the complete liberation of the South, the Dak Lak Provincial Border Guard was officially established, from the Dak Lak Armed Security Force and the Armed Police Force in the North.
While just embarking on the task of protecting the border in the newly liberated area with many difficulties and challenges, the reactionary Pol Pot - Ieng Sary launched the Southwestern border war, forcing cadres and soldiers to take up arms and enter a new war to protect every inch of the sacred land of the Fatherland. In 3 years (from 1976 to January 1979), the People's Armed Police (CANDVT)/BĐBP Dak Lak fought 185 large and small battles, destroying and eliminating hundreds of enemies from combat.
In the fight to protect sovereignty and territorial integrity, many groups and individuals fought bravely, steadfastly and indomitably, such as: The collective of officers and soldiers of Bu Prang Border Post with the ideology of "not moving an inch, not leaving a millimeter" fought continuously for 47 days and nights surrounded by the enemy, but their spirit was never shaken; those were the officers and soldiers of Da Bang Border Post, Dak Dam Border Post, Tuy Duc Border Post who fought back tenaciously, breaking dozens of enemy attacks, firmly holding every inch of the sacred land of the Fatherland.
After the war ended, the provincial Border Guard officers and soldiers actively propagated and mobilized the people, coordinated with the forces stationed in the area to organize the suppression of Fulro reactionaries, took care of building the People's Security line, contributed to defeating all sabotage plots of hostile forces, maintained political security, social order and safety, actively participated in economic, cultural and social development programs, and strengthened national defense and security in the border areas of the province.
Reporter: The border area of Dak Lak province is increasingly "fresh and full of life", the lives of ethnic minorities are increasingly prosperous, in which there is a significant contribution from the practical work of the provincial Border Guard. Could you please tell us about the strategy of building a position of people's hearts at the border and the social security programs that the Dak Lak Border Guard has implemented in recent times?
Colonel Do Quang Tham: With the slogan "The station is home, the border is homeland, ethnic people are blood brothers" , the Border Guard stations have actively participated in consolidating political bases, building socio-economic development, and eliminating hunger and reducing poverty.
Since 2010, the Provincial Border Guard has actively and proactively advised local Party committees and authorities to consolidate and build political bases, develop socio-economics, and help people overcome poverty; typically, the Program: "Helping children go to school" has sponsored 39 disadvantaged students (500,000 VND/child/month) and adopted 4 children in the "Adopted children of Border Guard Station" model; the program "Accompanying women in the border areas", the Provincial Border Guard Women's Union has coordinated with departments, branches, unions, organizations and individuals to carry out many meaningful humanitarian activities towards the border, helping families affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, and taking care of 2 Vietnamese Heroic Mothers...
Border Guard stations introduced 49 party members to temporarily live in border villages and hamlets. The provincial Border Guard coordinated to open literacy classes for nearly 100 local people, 1 primary education class for students in Drang Phok hamlet; examined and provided free medicine to tens of thousands of people; built 3 combined military-civilian clinics in Krong Na commune (Buon Don district), Ia Rve commune and Ia Lop commune (Ea Sup district); built and handed over nearly 150 houses "Warm homes for soldiers at the border", "Warm homes for the poor at the border", "Truong Son affection" worth nearly 2 billion VND and 14 civil works worth over 1 billion VND.
Thereby, it has contributed to raising the people's knowledge, improving people's lives, consolidating the people's trust in the Party, consolidating the "Great National Unity" bloc, mobilizing the whole people to participate in protecting the sovereignty and security of the Fatherland's borders. The image of "Teacher in green uniform"; "Doctor in green uniform"; "Cultural propaganda soldier in green uniform" ... has truly won the sympathy, trust and love of the people of all ethnic groups in the province, worthy of the noble title "Uncle Ho's soldiers" in the new era.
After 49 years of fighting, building and growing under the glorious flag of the Party, with the attention of local Party committees and authorities; and the close direction of the Border Guard Command, the Border Guard force of Dak Lak province has promoted the tradition of the Party Committee, armed forces and people of all ethnic groups in the province, upholding the steadfast and indomitable will, enduring hardships, overcoming all sacrifices and challenges, ready to sacrifice themselves, excellently completing the task, protecting the sovereignty and security of the border of the Fatherland, contributing to beautifying the glorious traditional history of the heroic Vietnam Border Guard - a history crystallized by sweat, blood, heroic spirit and determination to fight and win of generations of cadres and soldiers on the front line of the Fatherland.
Reporter: The task of protecting the independence, sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of the Fatherland in the new situation is very comprehensive and heavy, requiring the military force in general and the Border Guard in particular to continue to innovate, promote the core role, and specialize in performing the task of managing and protecting the sovereignty and security of the national border. Moreover, in the current unpredictable international situation, what should the provincial Border Guard force do to meet the requirements of the assigned tasks?
Colonel Do Quang Tham: In the coming time, the world and regional situation will continue to have complex, rapid and unpredictable developments; the process of national renewal, industrialization - modernization and international integration, besides great opportunities and advantages, also has risks and challenges that cannot be ignored. Imperialism and reactionary forces continue to sabotage the Vietnamese revolution. The issue of territorial sovereignty has been and is posing new requirements, new and complicated developments...
The above situation has posed a very heavy task for the Border Guard in general and the Dak Lak Border Guard in particular. To successfully complete the task of protecting territorial sovereignty, border security, and building a strong and comprehensive unit, each officer and soldier of the Provincial Border Guard must continue to promote the traditions of the nation, the People's Army, the People's Public Security Forces, and the heroic Vietnam Border Guard and the traditions of the Dak Lak Border Guard in conjunction with studying and following the ideology, morality, and style of Ho Chi Minh and Uncle Ho's teachings for the Border Guard .
PV : Thank you very much, Colonel Do Quang Tham!
With its glorious feats and achievements, Dak Lak Border Guard was honored to receive 2 Second and Third Class Military Exploit Medals from the State; 1 Feat Medal; 2 units were presented with flower baskets by President Ton Duc Thang; 1 collective was awarded the title of Hero of the People's Armed Forces; 11 units and 59 individuals were awarded Feat Medals of various classes; 40 collectives and individuals were awarded Certificates of Merit by the Government; over 50 collectives were awarded Emulation Flags by the Provincial People's Committee, Ministry of National Defense, Ministry of Public Security, etc.
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