Lower back pain is one of the most common types of body aches. This pain can be dull and uncomfortable, but it can also be severe and affect movement. Sitting too much and moving in the wrong posture are common causes of lower back pain. But in reality, there are many other causes that people rarely expect.
The elderly are at high risk of lower back pain. The cause is aging, which makes the vertebrae stiff and less flexible, the cartilage wears down, and the amount of synovial fluid that helps lubricate the joints also decreases, according to the medical website Medline Plus (USA).
Poor diet can cause lower back pain
Lesser-known causes of lower back pain include:
The mattress is too soft.
A good mattress should be able to support your body while lying down, especially your back. Lying on a mattress that is too soft can cause your weight to be distributed unevenly across your back and cause long-term back pain.
A study published in The Lancet found that sleeping on a medium-firm mattress can help improve lower back pain in people with chronic pain.
Doing too much housework
A study published in the journal The Spine found that doing too much laundry, mopping, washing dishes, or carrying heavy loads while shopping for groceries can cause lower back pain. This is because these tasks require the body to bend over, putting pressure on the neck and back. A good way to reduce this pressure is to find a small chair and squat while doing them.
Wear high heels
A study published in the Journal of Chiropractic Medicine found that women are more likely to experience lower back pain when wearing high heels. This is because high heels tilt the foot and stretch the muscles and joints in the foot out of balance, causing the lumbar region to bend and bear more pressure when moving. The result is lower back pain.
Poor nutrition
A diet high in processed foods and sugar can increase inflammation in the body and cause pain in a number of places, including the lower back. To prevent this, people should limit processed meats and sugary foods and prioritize healthy foods like lean meats, beans, vegetables, brown rice, and other whole grains, according to Medline Plus.
Source: https://thanhnien.vn/4-nguyen-nhan-it-ai-ngo-toi-gay-dau-lung-duoi-185241123200626348.htm
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