The Security Investigation Agency, Ministry of Public Security, said that it takes time to review all 154 solar power projects transferred by the Government Inspectorate.
Reporting to the Prime Minister on the issuance of supplements and updates to the Implementation Plan for the new Power Plan VIII, the Ministry of Industry and Trade said that the Ministry had a working session with the Investigation Security Agency (A09), the Ministry of Public Security to review 154 projects transferred by the Government Inspectorate in Conclusion No. 1027/KL-TTCP dated April 28, 2023.
However, the Security Investigation Agency said that it takes time to review all 154 solar power projects transferred by the Government Inspectorate.
Therefore, at present, the Ministry of Industry and Trade has no basis to advise the Government on how to handle these solar power projects.
Loc Ninh 1-2-3 solar power project cluster. Photo PECC2 |
The Ministry of Industry and Trade also said that it will base on the report of the Ministry of Public Security to continue to coordinate with relevant units and localities to find solutions for solar power projects that have been assigned to investors by localities in the coming time and report to competent authorities for consideration and decision.
Previously, Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha directed the Ministry of Industry and Trade to coordinate with the Ministry of Public Security to carefully review 154 solar power projects, including classifying projects with legal problems, projects with legal problems but able to overcome violations and mistakes according to the conclusions of inspection, examination, and investigation, in accordance with 9 criteria, then consider, study and propose to competent authorities for consideration according to the provisions of law.
Also in Notice No. 396/TB-VPCP, the Deputy Prime Minister requested the Ministry of Public Security to carefully review the list of 154 solar power projects transferred by the Government Inspectorate, analyze, evaluate, and classify projects according to violation criteria: for projects that do not violate criminal law or projects with violations but can be remedied to continue implementation, consider, study and propose handling, avoid wasting State, business and people's assets, and report to the Prime Minister before August 30, 2024.
It is noteworthy that among the 154 solar power projects mentioned, many projects have come into operation and are generating electricity.
Conclusion 1027/KL-TTCP dated April 28, 2023 mentioned the approval of adding 168 solar power projects, with a total capacity of 14,707 MW, to the power planning at all levels in the period 2016-2020.
Accordingly, the Ministry of Industry and Trade has approved the addition of 114 solar power projects with a total capacity of 4,166 MW to the Provincial Power Plan, scheduled to operate in the 2016-2020 period.
Of these, in addition to 14 projects (870 MW) approved in the Power Development Plan of 4 provinces before 2016, updated to the 2016-2020 period and 08 projects (122 MW) approved in the Power Generation Plan of 5 provinces, the remaining 92 projects (3,194 MW) were approved to be added separately to the Power Development Plan of 23 provinces based on the proposal of the Provincial People's Committees from the proposal of investors.
Of which, 15/23 provinces do not have a solar power investment plan in the Provincial Power Development Plan and there is no solar power plan until 2030 of 63 provinces and cities established and approved according to Decision No. 11/2017/QD-TTg.
Therefore, the Government Inspectorate concluded that the Ministry of Industry and Trade approved these 92 projects without legal basis for planning (no planning), violating Clause 1, Article 4 of Decision 11/2017/QD-TTg.
Next, the total solar power capacity approved by 2020 in the adjusted Power Plan VII is 850. However, the Ministry of Industry and Trade has advised and submitted to the Prime Minister to separately add 54 projects with a total capacity of 10,521 MW to the adjusted Power Plan VII, based on the proposal of the provinces, originating from the proposal of investors while not establishing the National Solar Power Development Plan to 2020 as required by Decision 11/2017/QD-TTg.
Therefore, the approval of these 54 projects was concluded by the Government Inspectorate to be without planning basis, violating about 1 Article 4 of Decision 11/2017/QD-TTg.
According to the Government Inspectorate, approving the addition of solar power projects of no more than 50 MW to the provincial power planning or submitting to the Prime Minister for approval the addition of solar power projects of over 50 MW to the adjusted Power Planning VII without making an adjusted plan or making a plan according to the provisions of Clause 2, Article 4 of Decision 11/2017/QD-TTg does not ensure competition in attracting investment, does not ensure transparency, and risks the emergence of a request-grant mechanism.
Given this reality, the Government Inspectorate has recommended that the Prime Minister assign the Ministry of Public Security to receive the case's records and documents for consideration and investigation in accordance with the provisions of law, with the Ministry of Industry and Trade approving and advising the Prime Minister to approve 154 additional solar power projects with a total capacity of 13,837 MW without legal basis or basis for planning (not including 14 projects with a capacity of 870 MW approved before 2016 and updated to the 2016-2020 period).
Notably, the approval of 123 projects with a total capacity of 8,496 MW is the main cause of the imbalance between sources and grids, power source structure, regions, causing difficulties in management and operation of the power system, causing waste of resources... demonstrating lax management, showing signs of the crime of lack of responsibility causing serious consequences as prescribed in Article 360 of the Penal Code 2015 (amended and supplemented in 2017).
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