How much is 1 USD in VND today?
The State Bank's USD exchange rate is at 24,258 VND. In the free market, USD is traded at 25,830 - 25,910 VND (buy - sell), up 70 VND in both directions compared to the previous trading session.
Vietcombank USD exchange rate is currently at 25,220 VND - 25,470 VND (buy - sell).
The Euro exchange rate is currently at 26,645 VND - 28,106 VND (buy - sell).
The current Japanese Yen exchange rate is 152 VND - 161 VND (buy - sell).
The current exchange rate of British Pound is 31,452 VND - 32,789 VND (buy - sell).
Today's Yuan exchange rate is at 3,427 VND - 3,573 VND (buy - sell).
USD price today
The USD-Index (DXY) measuring the greenback's movements against six major currencies (EUR, JPY, GBP, CAD, SEK, CHF) fell 0.51% to 105.18 points while gold prices climbed to a new peak.
The U.S. services sector is experiencing its weakest stretch of activity since the COVID-19 pandemic shutdown. The Institute for Supply Management (ISM) said its services purchasing managers index fell to 48.8% in June, significantly weaker than the 52.6% expected. A reading above 50% indicates economic growth, while a reading below 50% indicates expansion.
"Along with the decline in the ISM manufacturing index, surveys suggest GDP growth will remain weak in the third quarter. Combined with other factors that suggest labor demand is weakening and inflation is also falling," said Olivia Cross, North America economist at Capital Economics.
On the other side of the world, the Japanese Yen officially hit a new record low, hitting a 38-year low against the USD, equivalent to 161.49 Yen to 1 USD. The Yen also fell by the same amount against the Euro to a historical low of around 174.3 Yen to 1 Euro.
Japanese authorities have largely kept their hand to the economy, signaling a cautious approach. Finance Minister Shunichi Suzuki said on July 2 that moves were being watched carefully.
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