According to QCVN 41:2019/BGTVT, in addition to the square shape as the name suggests, this group of signs is also recognized by its own colors, each type has a different meaning. Specifically:
- Square signs: These signs mainly have a blue background with white drawings. If the background is white, the drawings and writing are black.
Signs are used to indicate directions or necessary information to help road users control vehicles and guide traffic on the road smoothly and safely.
- Square auxiliary signs: These signs have a white background with black drawings and letters or a blue background with white letters. Square auxiliary signs are placed right below the main sign.
Supplementary signs are often placed in combination with main signs (prohibition signs, command signs, danger and warning signs, and directional signs) to explain and supplement for better understanding.
According to QCVN 41:2019/BGTVT, some square traffic signs are currently in use such as:
Sign I.405c “Dead end ahead”: This sign is placed 300 - 500 m before a dead end and another sign must be placed every 100 m.
Sign I.406 “Priority over narrow road”: With this traffic sign, motor vehicle users have the right of way on narrow roads.
Sign I.407a “One-way Street”: This sign is usually placed after an intersection.
Sign I.408 “Parking”: Signs used to indicate permitted parking areas, parking lots, bus stations...
Sign I.409 “U-turn”: Sign indicating the location where U-turns are allowed.
Sign I.410 “U-turn area”: Used to indicate the area where vehicles are allowed to make a U-turn.
Sign I.413a “The road ahead has a lane reserved for passenger cars”: Used to indicate to road users that the road ahead has a lane reserved for passenger cars going in the opposite direction.
Sign I.413 (b,c) “Turn onto a road with a lane reserved for passenger cars”: The sign is used to inform road users that turning right or turning left at an intersection means turning onto a road with a lane reserved for passenger cars.
Sign I.418 “Roadway at no-turn locations”: The sign is used to indicate a roadway at intersections where turns are prohibited.
Sign I.423 (a,b) “Pedestrian crossing location”: Indicates pedestrians and traffic participants the location for pedestrians to cross.
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