Of which, the export value of agricultural products reached 2.64 billion USD (down 6.2% over the same period); the export of livestock products reached 39 million USD (down 9.3%); the export of aquatic products reached 750 million USD (up 0.3%); the export of forestry products reached nearly 1.5 billion USD (down 4.8%).
In the agricultural group, many major export items decreased in value compared to the same period in 2024. Typically, the export value of fruits and vegetables is estimated at 400 million USD (down 18.1%). Rice reached 500 thousand tons with 308 million USD (up 1% in volume but down 10.4% in value compared to the same period in 2024). Cashew nuts reached 300 million USD (down 14.4%).
Meanwhile, some items still saw an increase in export value, such as coffee, reaching 140,000 tons with 763 million USD (down 41.1% in volume but up 5% in value compared to the same period in 2024). The average export price of coffee in January reached 5,450 USD/ton (up 78.5% compared to the same period in 2024).
Source: https://baoquangnam.vn/xuat-khau-nong-lam-thuy-san-ca-nuoc-thang-jan-2025-giam-4-9-so-voi-cung-ky-3149143.html
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