Preventing Juvenile Crime
To limit and prevent minors from gathering to commit crimes, lawyer Nguyen Van Truong (Ho Chi Minh City Bar Association) has analyzed from many perspectives, pointing out fundamental solutions.
First of all, it is the solution of building - implementing - propagating the law. Currently, the legal system related to children is very extensive, and in some places there are overlaps. Therefore, it is necessary to study and perfect the legal system to regulate and implement children's rights.
There must be regulations, mechanisms, and deeper intervention measures regarding the role of parents and guardians towards their children and protected minors, to avoid cases where children live in unhealthy families and environments, lack education, etc., which negatively impact their personality development.
Regarding the application of the law to juvenile offenders, there needs to be a complete apparatus to help them realize their mistakes, thereby correcting and improving themselves... Therefore, the person who enforces and applies the law to juveniles must be knowledgeable about the psychology of this age, and know how to skillfully combine measures to help children, when they make mistakes or commit crimes, see the light of life, love, and protection, thereby changing.
At the same time, it is necessary to promote the effectiveness of legal propaganda aimed at minors. Legal propaganda and education for people at the age of maturity and personality formation is not easy, so it is necessary to be flexible for each age group, region, population class, living area, etc.
For minors who commit crimes, they must be handled promptly and strictly according to the law so that propaganda work can be concretized through cases and incidents, thereby helping to deter other children who intend to commit crimes, or who deviate from personality standards, and see the immediate consequences to draw lessons for themselves.
Regarding educational solutions, there needs to be innovation. It is necessary to include more content on ethics, law and life skills in education to help children gradually develop a comprehensive personality and know how to behave flexibly in daily life.
Another important solution is to strictly manage cyberspace. State management agencies need to pay special attention to this solution at the present stage. Schools and families must also pay close attention to this issue.
Authorities must seriously apply legal regulations to manage and strictly handle network operators, businesses, social network subjects... who violate the law; must limit and clean up the cyberspace environment, not allowing children to access clips and movies of a violent and provocative nature...
Regarding solutions to promote the role of family and school, it is necessary to identify family as the foundation, parents have a great influence on the process of forming children's personality, so it is necessary to have attention, scientific education, control of children's relationships, thereby promptly and gently correcting and correcting children when they deviate or have wrong behavior.
Meanwhile, schools do not only educate through books, but teachers also need to be like friends, quickly grasping the psychology of adolescents to help them comply with discipline, school rules and teach them how to behave in society.
Preventive work closely at home and in person
Faced with the increasing number of young criminals, Lieutenant Colonel, Dr. Dao Trung Hieu gave his opinion that first of all, it is necessary to strictly punish all acts of law violation, without exception, this will create the power of the law. When people feel that the law is a means to protect themselves, they will voluntarily comply.
The grassroots level needs to do a good job of crime prevention, grasp and thoroughly resolve conflicts as soon as they appear. Crime is not something strange, it comes from every house; right from the residential group level, we must do a good job of prevention, closely monitoring each house, each person...
Along with that, we must change from the cell of society, which is the family. The family must be good first. If we want a family to be good, the people in it must be good, and parents must set an example for their children. Family members must be responsible for each other, love and care for each other. Children will learn sacrifice, protection and care from their parents.
We also need to review our training and education programs. We have been producing young generations rich in theoretical knowledge but lacking in life skills.
To prevent and limit crimes committed by minors, in addition to fundamental solutions such as the above opinions, the Ministry of Public Security has long promoted the implementation of programs, plans, and joint resolutions on crime prevention for this age group.
Typical examples are the Joint Circular between the Ministry of Education and Training and the Ministry of Public Security on security and order protection in schools; Joint Resolution between the Vietnam Women's Union and the Ministry of Public Security on managing and educating children in families to avoid crimes and social evils; Joint Resolution between the Ministry of Public Security and the Central Committee of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union on preventing and stopping crimes and social evils among adolescents...
To thoroughly handle and prevent juvenile crime, gangs, and groups to resolve conflicts is the common responsibility of the whole society. Each social organization, school, and family needs to fully promote their role and comprehensively implement solutions to shape a generation of young people who live healthily and become good, useful citizens in the future.
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