OPPO's power failure does not turn on, causing hardware and data disruption. Refer to the following article to find a way to fix the error of hanging on the logo and continuous power off!
Instructions for effectively handling OPPO phone power failure errors
If your OPPO phone keeps crashing or getting stuck on the logo, here are some simple fixes you can try at home without having to take it in for repair:
Charge for 5 - 10 minutes
A common reason for OPPO to shut down is that the battery is dead and not charged in time. Use an OPPO official charger, plug it in, and let the device rest for 5-10 minutes before trying to turn it on again. This can help the device restart and fix the shutdown due to low battery easily.
Check the charging cable and charging port
Another reason why your OPPO phone shuts down is because the charging cable or charging port is damaged. Check if the charging cable is broken, cracked, or has an open circuit. Next, check the charging port for dirt or obstructions inside. Try using a different charging cable to see if the device recognizes the battery. Ensuring that you use a good charging cable and port will help the device operate more stably.
Restore factory settings when OPPO is stuck on logo
If your phone is stuck on the logo and won't boot up, a factory reset is an effective solution. Follow these steps:
Step 1: Turn off the phone: Press and hold the power button and volume button at the same time until the device turns off completely.
Step 2: Access Recovery mode: Press and hold the power button and volume button at the same time until the Recovery screen appears.
Step 3: Perform a factory reset: Select "Wipe data" to erase old settings and restart the device.
This process will help your phone restart and function normally if the cause is a software error.
Update software to fix power failure quickly
In some cases, the OPPO phone keeps shutting down may be due to old or conflicting software. To fix this problem, follow these steps:
Step 1: Fully charge the battery, make sure the device's battery capacity is at least 50% before proceeding with the update.
Step 2: After entering the settings on your device, select "System Update".
Step 3: Download the latest update and install it.
Software updates will help resolve conflicts and improve smartphone performance.
Replace new screen for your phone
If the phone screen is damaged, it may cause the device to not display or operate properly, resulting in OPPO constantly shutting down. You should contact the warranty center or a reputable repair shop to check the screen. If the damage is too severe, replace the screen to fix the power failure error and ensure stable operation of the device.
Replace the battery when your OPPO phone keeps shutting down
A weak or worn out battery is also a common cause of frequent phone shutdowns. You should check the battery status and take the device to a service center to determine if the battery is worn out or damaged. Replacing the battery will improve the usage time and fix the problem of frequent shutdowns. In addition, during use, limit overnight charging, as this can affect the battery life.
Replace the motherboard and other hardware components: If the previous solutions do not work, it is very likely that your phone has a serious hardware failure related to the motherboard or power IC. You need to do the following steps: check the hardware of the device and take your phone to the warranty center to check the internal components.
If the mainboard or power IC is damaged, these components need to be replaced. Before deciding to repair, ask a technician to thoroughly check the components to determine the exact cause. Replacing hardware components will completely fix the power failure and failure to boot due to physical damage.
Use computer to start phone effectively
If your OPPO phone is dead and other methods do not work, try connecting it to a computer. Use a USB cable to connect your phone to the computer. Wait for the phone to receive power and wait for a while for the computer to supply power to the device. Finally, hold down the power button to restart the device. This method is often useful when the power button is malfunctioning or the phone is not charging from a regular power source.
OPPO phones are powerless and cannot be turned on properly, causing many inconveniences. If you are interested in how to preserve and prolong the life of your phone, you can refer to the device maintenance manual or research on software optimization to help the device operate more durably.
Source: https://baoquocte.vn/xu-ly-loi-dien-thoai-oppo-bi-sap-nguon-nhanh-chong-nhat-289824.html
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