(Dan Tri) - According to new regulations from 2021, the titles of excellent students and good students at secondary and high schools will only be awarded at the end of the school year.
According to Circular 22 regulating the evaluation of secondary and high school students, student awards are only held at the end of the school year. Therefore, after the first semester, students are not eligible for title classification.
Specifically, to achieve the title of excellent student, students need to have academic and training results for the entire school year that are rated Good, and at least 6 subjects that are evaluated by comments combined with scores of 9.0 or higher.
The title of excellent student applies to students whose academic and training results for the entire school year are assessed as Good.
In addition to the above two titles, the principal also awarded titles to students with outstanding achievements in training and studying during the school year.
For students with special achievements, the school will consider and propose to superiors for separate rewards.
Students taking the 2024 high school graduation exam (Photo: Nam Anh).
Students' learning outcomes in each semester are evaluated according to 1 of 4 levels: good, fair, satisfactory, and unsatisfactory.
The good level requires students to have all subjects assessed by comments combined with scores achieving an average score of 6.5 or higher. Of which, at least 6 subjects have a score of 8.0 or higher.
In addition, subjects assessed by comments must be at Pass level.
The good level requires students to have subjects assessed by comments combined with scores achieving an average score of 5.0 or higher, of which at least 6 subjects have a score of 6.5 or higher.
The passing level requires at least 6 subjects assessed by comments combined with scores with an average score of 5.0 or higher and no subject below 3.5.
The average score of each subject in each semester is the average score of 2-4 regular assessment scores with coefficient 1, 1 mid-term assessment score with coefficient 2 and 1 final assessment score with coefficient 3.
Starting from the second semester of the 2024-2025 school year, the final exam for high school students will change to a new structure consisting of 70% multiple choice and 30% essay. Previously, many high schools across the country only used multiple choice for most exams in subjects assessed by scores.
Source: https://dantri.com.vn/giao-duc/xep-loai-hoc-sinh-nam-hoc-2024-2025-khong-con-hoc-sinh-gioi-theo-hoc-ky-20241223101616035.htm
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