According to a report from Autoblog , Mercedes has created a paint that can cover the entire body of a car, not just the roof or sides like current solar modules. The highlight of this solar paint is that it is only 5 micrometers thick and weighs 50 grams per square meter, allowing it to adhere to any surface, including curved areas like panel folds and fenders.
Solar paint technology opens up a promising future for Mercedes electric cars
These achievements enhance the solar energy harvesting capabilities of Mercedes electric vehicles, generating enough electricity to add thousands of kilometers of driving range each year.
High performance solar paint from Mercedes
According to Autoblog , Mercedes' solar paint operates at 20 percent efficiency, which is comparable to conventional solar cells. However, its advantage is its flexibility, allowing the EV battery to be charged whenever sunlight hits the paint.
Specifically, a layer of paint with an area of about 11 m 2 , equivalent to the size of a mid-size SUV, can create about 12,000 km of driving range per year. In addition, the energy collected from this layer of paint can also be used to power household appliances in the event of a power outage thanks to the bidirectional charging capability.
Developing charging infrastructure for electric vehicles remains a major challenge in encouraging consumers to switch to electric vehicles. However, innovations like Mercedes’ solar paint will give consumers more reasons to choose electric vehicles, not only for fuel and maintenance savings but also for environmental benefits.
The launch of solar paint not only offers an environmentally friendly solution but also reduces pollution during the manufacturing process compared to traditional solar modules. With these advances, Mercedes is opening a new era for electric vehicles, promising to bring more value to consumers.
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