Accordingly, at about 3:30 a.m. the same day, Mr. Nguyen Van X. (born in 1988, residing in Hai Duong) drove a car with license plate number 34A-490.XX on Ring Road 3 in the direction of Mai Dich to Thang Long Bridge.

When reaching the lamp post CS1/PVD/19 (through Mai Dich ward, Cau Giay district), there was a collision with a car with license plate number: 29C- 922.XX driven by Mr. Dao Cong T. (born in 1985, residing in Hanoi).
After the collision, the two drivers got out of the car to discuss the compensation and called a tow truck with license plate number 29H-290.XX driven by Mr. Le Tat T. (born in 1983, residing in Hanoi) to come to the rescue.
At this time, the car with license plate number 20C- 237.XX driven by Mr. Pham Van D. (born in 1994, residing in Thai Nguyen) crashed into the rescue vehicle.
The accident caused all four cars to be severely damaged, fortunately there were no casualties.
Upon receiving the report, Traffic Police Team No. 6 (Traffic Police Department, Hanoi City Police) sent officers to the scene to check the alcohol and drug levels of the drivers; coordinated with the Investigation Agency of Hanoi City Police to resolve the accident.
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