Building culture within the Party plays an important and decisive role in the work of building and rectifying a clean and strong Party in all aspects; forming a democratic, scientific, transparent, and effective leadership style suitable to new development requirements.
On January 15, the Central Propaganda Department coordinated with the Central Theoretical Council, the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics, the Truth National Political Publishing House and a number of relevant agencies to organize a National Scientific Conference: "Theoretical and practical issues on building culture in the Party in the new period".
Giao thong Newspaper respectfully introduces the speech of Mr. Nguyen Xuan Thang, Politburo member, Director of Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics, Chairman of the Central Theoretical Council at this National Scientific Conference.
Mr. Nguyen Xuan Thang, Politburo member, Director of Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics, Chairman of the Central Theoretical Council spoke at the workshop.
Dear Comrade Nguyen Trong Nghia, Politburo member, Secretary of the Party Central Committee, Head of the Central Propaganda Department
Dear leaders and scientists,
The scientific workshop "Theoretical and practical issues on building culture in the Party in the new period" is a practical and meaningful activity in the context that we are celebrating the 95th anniversary of the Party's founding; the entire Party is implementing Regulation No. 144-QD/TW dated May 9, 2024 of the Politburo on revolutionary ethical standards of cadres and Party members in the new period; summarizing 40 years of implementing the country's renovation, 5 years of implementing the Resolution of the 13th National Congress of Delegates, preparing for Party Congresses at all levels, towards the 14th National Congress of Delegates of the Party; towards the 100th anniversary of the glorious Party's founding.
On behalf of the organizing agencies of the Conference, I would like to send greetings and best wishes to the leaders of the Party and State, delegates, distinguished guests and scientists. I wish you good health, happiness and much success.
Dear comrades,
Party culture is the synthesis of traditional values, ideology, ethics, rules, leadership style, working methods, operating methods, and behaviors of the Party organization and Party members in all leadership activities, organization, and activities of the Party.
Formed and nurtured in the 95-year history of the Party leading the Vietnamese revolution, through the eras of struggle for independence, national unification, the era of innovation, integration and development, culture in the Communist Party of Vietnam has always been an important part, crystallizing the best and most pioneering values of Vietnamese national culture.
It is a harmonious combination of the Party's revolutionary ideals, ethics and leadership style built on the foundation of Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh thought, the theory of Renovation, inheriting and promoting the fine cultural traditions of the Vietnamese people, selectively absorbing the cultural quintessence of humanity.
Culture within the Party is a particularly important component in the Party's political and ideological life; it is a factor to strengthen solidarity, unity, and promote the Party's endogenous strength.
Building culture within the Party plays an important and decisive role in the work of building and rectifying a clean and strong Party in all aspects; forming a democratic, scientific, transparent and effective leadership style, suitable to the new development requirements in the condition that our Party is the only leading and ruling party; at the same time, helping cadres and Party members to practice, improve themselves, maintain revolutionary ethics; effectively prevent manifestations of political and ideological degradation, corruption, waste, negativity, "self-evolution", "self-transformation".
Besides, Party culture is also a strong bond connecting the Party with the people, strengthening the people's trust in the Party.
Not only limited within the Party, Party culture, as the soul and profound crystallization of Vietnamese political culture, also plays a role in orienting society, strongly spreading good values and ethical standards from within the Party to the entire political and social system, contributing to making culture truly become an endogenous resource, strength and important driving force for the rapid and sustainable development of the country.
As the founder, leader and trainer of our Party, with a deep awareness and far-sighted vision of the position and role of building culture in the Party in the process of leading the revolutionary cause, President Ho Chi Minh advised: "Our Party is a ruling party, each Party member and cadre must truly imbue revolutionary morality, must be truly thrifty, honest, impartial and selfless. We must keep our Party truly clean, must be worthy of being a leader, a truly loyal servant of the people"; we must do everything to make our Party truly "ethical and civilized".
Over the past 95 years since its founding, our Party has affirmed its mettle, intelligence, prestige and ability to lead the Vietnamese revolutionary cause to overcome all difficulties and challenges, going from one victory to another, achieving great achievements in the history of the nation. During that arduous and glorious journey, our Party has been tempered, accumulated many valuable experiences, written "a whole golden history", and forged glorious traditions that every cadre and party member today must strive to preserve and promote.
In the process of national renewal over the past 40 years, building culture in Party organizations and State agencies, along with building ethics and lifestyle in each cadre and Party member, is one of the key tasks in building a clean and strong Party and political system.
This task has been strongly, continuously and consistently affirmed in the Party's documents through many Congress terms; organized and implemented and put into practice through specific and practical actions and movements such as: studying and following Ho Chi Minh's ideology, morality and lifestyle; building and perfecting revolutionary ethical values and standards in the new period, suitable to the modern context, inheriting the nation's fine cultural traditions; promoting education and propaganda to raise awareness of Party organizations and each cadre and Party member about the core role of culture in Party building; focusing on spreading cultural values and standards in Party organizations at all levels, affirming the revolutionary nature, vanguard and exemplary nature of cadres and Party members.
At the same time, with a strong and determined spirit, the Party has actively fought against the degradation of political ideology, morality and lifestyle, contributing to building a healthy and civilized cultural environment within the Party and the entire political system. This is the solid foundation for nurturing and developing the mettle, intelligence and revolutionary morality of each cadre and Party member, strengthening the people's trust and expectations for the Party.
Along with the great and outstanding achievements in the process of the Party's leadership in building an advanced Vietnamese culture imbued with national identity, the above important results have gradually shaped the important characteristic components of the Party's culture in the new period:
Regarding the ideological foundation and political theory, it is Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh thought and the theory of the Party's innovation policy.
Regarding revolutionary ethics, these are the qualities: patriotism, respect for the people, absolute loyalty to the Party and the Fatherland; bravery, innovation, creativity, integration; diligence, thrift, integrity, impartiality, selflessness; solidarity, discipline, love, responsibility; exemplary, modesty, lifelong self-cultivation and learning.
Regarding leadership style, it is a democratic and scientific style; close to the people; promoting the role of setting an example and being a pioneer; resolute, persistent, and steadfast in maintaining revolutionary goals and ideals, not wavering in the face of any difficulties and challenges, while being flexible, adaptable, making timely decisions, appropriate to the circumstances and practical requirements, putting the interests of the nation and people above all and first.
Regarding discipline and organization, the Party operates according to the principles of leadership, which are: democratic centralism, self-criticism and criticism, solidarity and unity within the Party, the Party is closely attached to the people, the Party operates within the framework of the Constitution and laws; at the same time, it constantly builds and rectify the Party to be clean and strong in all aspects, resolutely fights against corruption, waste, negativity, manifestations of ideological, moral and lifestyle degradation, "self-evolution" and "self-transformation" within the Party.
Regarding the close relationship with the people, the Party has no other interests than the interests of the people; the people are the root, the people are the subject, the center of the cause of innovation, construction, development of the country and protection of the Fatherland; the people know, the people discuss, the people do, the people inspect, the people supervise, the people benefit; cadres and Party members must wholeheartedly and wholeheartedly serve the Fatherland and the people; rely on the people to build the Party; always be closely attached, listen to opinions, serve the interests of the people, and act for the people.
National scientific conference "Theoretical and practical issues on building culture in the Party in the new period".
Dear comrades,
In addition to the great achievements that have been made, it is necessary to frankly admit that the task of building culture in the Party still has many limitations and shortcomings. The role of culture in building the Party and the political system has not been properly respected and promoted in some places and at some times. The content and methods of building culture in the Party have not been given due attention.
The organization, implementation and dissemination of revolutionary values and ethical standards in the Party and the political system is still a weak link, not really effective; even some Party committees and Party members have not paid attention to the task of building culture in the Party, and have not been resolute and thorough in educating and managing Party members.
In particular, corruption and negativity are still complicated, serious, and very sophisticated, causing resentment in society. There are cadres and party members, including high-ranking cadres of the Party, who lack courage, lack moral cultivation, and have degraded political ideology, morality, and lifestyle. They are still tempted, bribed, and rush into unclear interests, failing to fulfill their responsibilities and duties to the Party, the State, and the People.
Our country is entering a new era of development - the era of national growth, opening up great opportunities but also posing many challenges, requiring us to have new thinking, new ways of doing things, breakthroughs in strategic decisions; arousing pride, strongly promoting cultural values, strength, solidarity and will of the Vietnamese people; closely unifying "the Party's will, the people's heart"; continuing to elevate the Party's thinking, intelligence and mettle to lead the country firmly on the path of innovation, integration and sustainable development.
General Secretary To Lam emphasized: We must continue to strongly innovate leadership methods, improve leadership and governing capacity, ensure that the Party is the great helmsman, and lead our nation forward strongly.
In his speech at the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of Vietnam, the late General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong affirmed: "A true revolutionary party with the right line, tight organization, clean, exemplary, dedicated cadres and party members, closely attached to the people, and supported by the people, then that party has invincible strength, and no force can stop it on the path of leading the nation forward."
In that new context, building culture within the Party becomes even more important, but it is also a more complicated and difficult task, involving many subjects, with many new contents and many different aspects, notably:
First, firmly adhere to and creatively apply and develop Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh Thought, and the Party's theory of innovation; firmly adhere to the goal of national independence and socialism; firmly promote the comprehensive and synchronous renovation of the country; firmly adhere to the principles of Party building to build and develop the country and firmly defend the socialist Vietnamese Fatherland. This is the core value, affirming the Party nature of Party culture, political culture, and is also the characteristic value of the Vietnamese socialist model that we are building.
Second, respect, protect, preserve and promote the values, traditions and great achievements that our Party has achieved in 95 years of leading the people to successfully carry out the struggle for national liberation and reunification; and successfully carry out the cause of innovation, integration and development of the country; to be proud, confident, self-reliant and self-reliant in the era of national development.
This is also a strong foundation for us to resolutely and persistently fight against erroneous and hostile viewpoints, manifestations of degradation in political ideology, ethics, lifestyle, corruption, waste, negativity, "self-evolution", "self-transformation", and strengthen people's trust in the Party.
Third, continue to build, preserve, promote and spread good, progressive and humane values in all activities of Party organizations, in the personality of each cadre and Party member, in good relationships between comrades and between cadres and Party members and the People, creating a profound influence of the Party on the whole society.
Closely link the building of Party culture with the building of political culture; between the building of Party culture with the building of the Party's apparatus and the political system to be streamlined, strong, effective, efficient and effective. Arouse the spirit of dedication, innovation, aspiration, will and determination to develop of cadres and Party members and spread it to the whole society, for a peaceful, independent, democratic, rich, prosperous, civilized, happy Vietnam, steadily moving towards socialism, standing shoulder to shoulder with the world powers.
In that spirit, I propose that scientists and delegates focus on discussing and deepening the following issues:
1- Looking back at the historical stages over 95 years of the Party's leadership of the Vietnamese revolution, including 40 years of the Party's leadership of the country's renovation, clarifying the scientific basis for unifying the perception of the role and importance of building culture within the Party in the work of Party building and rectification, building political culture and building an advanced Vietnamese culture imbued with national identity.
It is necessary to review and carefully evaluate the viewpoints, theoretical systems, and policies on building culture in our Party today; clarify the characteristics of Party culture, expressed through Party spirit, discipline, exemplary nature, scientific nature, democracy, humanity, inheritance and innovation, etc., showing the capacity, role, and mission of the vanguard Party leading the way in the new era.
Thereby, clearly identifying which arguments need to continue to be affirmed, which new theoretical and practical issues need to be supplemented and developed to ensure specific, unified, synchronous and comprehensive awareness in the meaning, content, tasks, methods of building and practicing culture in the Party.
2- Summarize and evaluate specific tasks in implementing cultural development in the Party, pointing out important achievements as well as limitations and shortcomings; the gap between the development and dissemination of values and ethical standards in the Party and the practice of cadres and Party members. Draw lessons; clearly analyze the causes, especially the causes of limitations, weaknesses and shortcomings; clearly identify bottlenecks and barriers in the process of building and practicing culture in the Party today. At the same time, from the reality of building and practicing culture in Party organizations today, point out good practices and good models that can be replicated to become widespread movements throughout the Party.
3- Propose and recommend goals, directions and methods for building culture in the Party in accordance with the new context; especially innovating the way of building and practicing culture in the Party, political culture; concretizing and improving the effectiveness of practicing revolutionary ethical standards in the new period that have been promulgated; strengthening education on ideology, ethics and Ho Chi Minh's style; harmoniously handling the relationship between "building" and "fighting"; promoting proactive creativity associated with decentralization and delegation of power; promoting the exemplary role of cadres and party members, especially leaders; tightening discipline, controlling power and preventing and combating corruption, waste and negativity in the Party; innovating organizational and personnel work; promoting digital transformation associated with building culture in the Party; promoting the role of the people in building culture in the Party; harmoniously resolving the relationship between international integration and preserving cultural identity in the Party; Linking the building of Party culture with the building of political culture, national culture and with socio-economic development...
Dear comrades,
With the enthusiasm and responsibility of scientists and delegates, through the reports and discussions, the Organizing Committee believes that our Conference will propose appropriate viewpoints and guidelines, practical and effective policies to improve the quality of building and practicing culture in the Party, contributing to building a Party that is truly ethical and civilized, representing the conscience and dignity of the Vietnamese people, leading and guiding the country to achieve development miracles in the new era, the era of national growth.
In the exciting atmosphere of welcoming spring and the approaching New Year of the Snake, once again I would like to send to scientists, delegates and all comrades my best wishes for a New Year of Peace, Prosperity and Success.
In that spirit, I declare the conference open.
Thanks a lot.
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