On the morning of September 25, Dak Nong Department of Science and Technology held a Conference to announce, introduce and transfer the results of the implementation of the science and technology task "Research on building a land price information system for Gia Nghia City, Dak Nong Province".
The topic assessed the current status of land price management and land price information system, infrastructure, and information technology in Dak Nong and Gia Nghia City.

Land price attribute data includes many important information such as: land price frame, land price table, adjustment coefficient, market price, specific land price and land price for each plot of land.
The data tables have sufficient information and standardized field names and data formats according to regulations, ensuring accuracy and easy access.
The project has built a land price information system based on the WEBGIS platform, helping to exploit the land price database effectively. At the same time, the research team also developed a toolkit to update the land price database via a mobile application (App mobile), supporting the investigation and updating of land price information.

The construction and operation of the land price information system in Gia Nghia City is of great significance to both the management agency and the people.
This system will help Dak Nong apply information technology in environmental resource management, especially in the field of land prices.
The research team proposed a mechanism for updating, operating and exploiting the land price database, along with solutions to implement this mechanism.
In particular, the group also offers solutions related to information network safety and security, meeting requirements in the current context of integration and digital transformation.

The land price information system will be handed over to the Dak Nong Department of Natural Resources and Environment for early application in practice. Hopefully, this system will not only improve the efficiency of land price management but also promote the sustainable development of Gia Nghia City in the future.
Source: https://baodaknong.vn/xay-dung-he-thong-thong-tin-gia-dat-cho-tp-gia-nghia-230136.html
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