Colonel Pham Kim Dinh, member of the Provincial Party Committee Standing Committee, Director of the Provincial Police Department chaired the conference. Attending the conference were comrade Le Thi Thanh Tra, member of the Provincial Party Committee, Vice Chairwoman of the Provincial People's Council. Comrade Hoang Viet Phuong, member of the Provincial Party Committee, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee attended and delivered a speech at the conference. Attending the conference were leaders of departments, branches, sectors of the province, districts, cities and more than 150 comrades of the commune and town police.
Conference delegates.
After 2 years of implementing Resolution No. 12 of the Politburo and Directive No. 11 of the Minister of Public Security on continuing to promote the building of Commune and Town Police to meet the requirements and tasks in the new situation, the work of building Commune-level Police in Tuyen Quang province has achieved important results.
The work of the Commune Police force has gradually become routine and effective in ensuring security and order at the grassroots level. The work of ensuring logistics, facilities, and equipment has been focused on and implemented synchronously. Many good examples, beautiful images, and inspiring actions of the Commune Police have spread widely in society and have been recognized and praised by local Party committees, authorities, and the masses.
Vice Chairwoman of the Provincial People's Council Le Thi Thanh Tra awarded Certificates of Merit from the Provincial People's Committee to collectives and individuals.
In the spirit of frankness, openness and democracy, the dialogue between the Party Committee and the provincial police leaders with the commune-level police focused on the following groups of issues: Improving the quality of the commune-level investigation team; providing facilities for the commune-level police; the priorities and orientations of the Party Committee and the provincial police leaders for the work of building the commune-level police force, implementing Project 06 at the grassroots level...
Speaking at the conference, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Hoang Viet Phuong commended and acknowledged the efforts and outstanding results of the Tuyen Quang Police force, directly the commune-level Police force, in ensuring security and order at the grassroots level, creating a stable and healthy environment, effectively serving the socio-economic development of the locality.
He suggested that the provincial police continue to thoroughly grasp and seriously implement the central and provincial directives on promoting the development of commune and town police to meet the requirements and tasks in the new situation. The commune-level police force continues to do a good job of grasping the situation, advising the Party committees and local authorities on policies and solutions to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of prevention and combat work, ensuring security and order, and maintaining stable social order and safety right from the grassroots level.
Director of Provincial Police Pham Kim Dinh awarded Certificates of Merit to the groups.
Concluding the conference, Director of the Provincial Police Department Pham Kim Dinh emphasized that the leadership and direction of building the police force in communes and towns in the province has been implemented synchronously, achieving important results.
He suggested that in the coming time, all police units in the province should focus on Party building, improving the capacity and fighting strength of party members and police officers at the commune level. At the same time, they should focus on synchronously implementing all aspects of work to ensure maintaining security and order at the grassroots level, and not be passive and surprised in any situation.
On this occasion, the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee awarded Certificates of Merit to 4 collectives and 10 individuals with outstanding achievements in ensuring security and order at the grassroots level, period 2023 - 2024; The Director of the Provincial Police awarded Certificates of Merit to 23 collectives and 20 individuals for their outstanding achievements in the emulation movement and building advanced models in the police force of communes and towns.
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