To ensure the operation of A0 during the transition, Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang assigned the Ministry of Industry and Trade to continue to strengthen regular, direct and comprehensive supervision of A0's operational efficiency, and to avoid risks and incidents as before.
At the same time, the Government leader requested ministries, the Capital Management Committee (CMC) and EVN to urgently and proactively complete the assigned tasks. This is to ensure the progress and quality of the A0 separation project, the establishment of new enterprises and the plan to transfer enterprises from the CMC to the Ministry of Industry and Trade, and report the results before September 8.
In which, the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI) is primarily responsible for appraising the Project to ensure it meets the conditions for submission to the Prime Minister for consideration and approval.
The UBQLV and EVN are primarily responsible for completing the Project and transfer plan to submit to the Prime Minister; preparing necessary contents to implement the separation and transfer of A0 according to regulations.
"Clearly define the financial mechanism to generate revenue for A0 from the time of separation from EVN; determine the deadline for completing the revision, supplementation, and issuance of new circulars under the authority and state management responsibility of the Ministry of Industry and Trade," the Government leader requested.
In addition, Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang also assigned the Ministry of Planning and Investment to urgently chair a meeting with relevant ministries and branches to clarify the following contents: Conditions for separation and establishment of new enterprises must be ensured in accordance with legal regulations. Mechanisms to ensure that A0 after separation and transfer to the Ministry of Industry and Trade still operates stably, continuously and effectively; without interruption or impact on A0's ongoing investment projects...
Previously, in the Appraisal Report of the Project to separate A0 from EVN to establish a One Member Limited Liability Company (NSMO) under the Capital Management Committee sent to the Government leaders, the Ministry of Planning and Investment stated that it is necessary to have a financial mechanism for NSMO in 3 phases.
Phase 1: A0 from separation from EVN to establish NSMO until the end of 2023.
Phase 2: From January 1, 2024 until the revised Law on Prices takes effect.
Phase 3: After the revised Law on Prices comes into effect, it is recommended that the Ministry of Industry and Trade develop a financial mechanism to ensure that NSMO will have a mechanism to operate.
Therefore, it is recommended that the Capital Management Committee closely coordinate with the Ministry of Industry and Trade to clearly determine the time to complete the development of a circular guiding the costs of power system dispatch and electricity market transaction management to ensure the necessary costs for A0's operations.
On that basis, there is a basis to report to the Prime Minister the time to complete the separation of A0 to establish NSMO.
The appraisal agency emphasized that separating A0 from EVN to establish a single-member LLC should only be considered and decided when there are financial mechanisms to ensure stable operation and management of NSMO.
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