With a desire to contribute more to the field of teaching and researching Vietnamese literature, Pham Phu Tuan (29 years old) has overcome all challenges.
Tuan was born with the expectation from his family that he would become a math teacher, like the teacher that Tuan's father admired so much that he named his son after him. However, from a young age, Tuan developed a love for literature from the interesting stories his father told him and the interesting books his father brought home. Although he had difficulty developing his language and writing skills, and was sometimes discouraged, the milestone of achieving the highest score in literature in the school when he was in grade 9 made Tuan boldly explore his own limits.
He is passionate about studying literature and exploring ways to connect literature with visual arts. The attraction of words and visual language led Tuan to the film and television production industry.
He enthusiastically contributed to many short film projects and major talent competitions. When he had burned himself out with this job, Tuan changed direction and became a reporter. He traveled everywhere, met many people, and conveyed messages on various topics in society. With an interesting job and a stable life, Tuan knew he had to do more. He went to graduate school, determined to deepen his knowledge and renew himself.
Not only teaching students about his expertise, Tuan also wants to convey lessons about kindness, sowing in their hearts the seeds of dreams and belief in creativity.
After completing his master's degree at the University of Social Sciences and Humanities (VNU-HCM), Tuan became a university lecturer. Having been exposed to and haunted by the heartbreaking images of victims of violence, Tuan always wanted the young generation to know how to love and live kindly. "I am aware that I must cultivate knowledge, maintain kindness and become a trustworthy role model for students," Tuan confided.
For this young man from Khanh Hoa, education is the foundation for building the personality and future of the next generation. In every class, Tuan puts all his heart into bringing knowledge and positive inspiration so that students not only love their jobs but also understand the value of the profession to have the right direction in the future. Tuan is pursuing a doctorate in the hope of contributing more to society.
For Tuan, a teacher's happiness is not only the success of his students but also seeing them have the will to rise up and know how to live for others.
Love for visual language, literature and education are the "treasures" that Tuan always cherishes.
Source: https://nld.com.vn/vuot-qua-thu-thach-196250118212319886.htm
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