Recently, disgruntled, opportunistic, and reactionary elements have taken advantage of General Secretary To Lam's speech at the opening session of the 8th session of the 15th National Assembly on October 21, 2024: "Of the three biggest bottlenecks today, which are institutions, infrastructure, and human resources, institutions are the bottleneck of bottlenecks" to distort and "orient public opinion" that it is time to remove the "bottleneck" of that bottleneck.
We are not unfamiliar with the intention of the anti-government voices, which are aimed at denying the Party's leadership role and "calling" for the implementation of pluralistic democracy... Therefore, we also need to reaffirm a certain truth that the "bottleneck of bottlenecks" in Vietnam is not the Communist Party, because "the Party's goal is to build an independent, democratic, prosperous Vietnam, a fair and civilized society, where no one exploits another, successfully implement socialism and ultimately communism" as clearly stated in the Party Charter.
Nearly 95 years ago, right from its inception, in the first Political Platform (February 1930), our Party clearly affirmed the task of national liberation associated with socialism. Accordingly, the Vietnamese revolution must go through two stages: the bourgeois democratic revolution (gaining national independence; bringing land to the peasants) and the socialist revolution (building socialism, communism). National independence associated with socialism - the Party's will and the people's aspirations met to create the unparalleled source of strength of the great national unity bloc under the Party's leadership, contributing to the victory of the national liberation cause, giving birth to the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (September 2, 1945).
Reality shows that, despite having to go through people's wars to protect the independence and freedom of the Fatherland, a peaceful, independent, unified, democratic, increasingly rich, prosperous and happy Vietnam has been and is emerging in reality. A Vietnam steadfast in national independence and socialism "has achieved great achievements of historical significance, developing strongly and comprehensively compared to the years before the renovation. The scale and level of the economy have been raised. People's lives have been significantly improved both materially and spiritually. Our country has never had the potential, position and international prestige as it does today" (1) is vivid evidence showing that: 1) The communist ideal, the proletarian revolutionary path chosen by President Ho Chi Minh, the Communist Party of Vietnam and the Vietnamese people and implemented in Vietnam under the light of Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh's thought are correct and suitable to the specific conditions of Vietnam; in line with the inevitable development trend of humanity. 2) Socialism is not "lost" or "erased", although the real socialism model in the Soviet Union and Eastern European socialist countries collapsed, it is still present in contemporary life. 3) Lessons learned from the mistakes in the reform policy (abolishing the principle of democratic centralism; eliminating the leadership role of the Communist Party; depoliticizing the armed forces; internal degeneration and corruption; mistakes in personnel work, especially key strategic-level cadres...) of the Soviet Union have been learned by the Communist Party of Vietnam to successfully carry out the cause of renovation since the 6th Congress (December 1986)...
In fact, from 1930 to the present, apart from the Communist Party - the vanguard of the class and the nation, there is no political party or organization of patriotic intellectuals or of the national bourgeoisie with enough capacity and political prestige to successfully lead the cause of national liberation struggle, building and defending the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. The Party's position and leadership role are not only clearly stated in the Party's documents, resolutions, directives, conclusions, regulations, and topics; not only affirmed in research, evaluation, and summary works on the history of the Communist Party of Vietnam, but also trusted by the people and recognized by other political parties (Vietnam Revolutionary Alliance, Vietnam Nationalist Party, Democratic Party, Socialist Party, etc.). Therefore, the arguments that distort the truth, that: "The dictatorial Party proclaimed itself the leading force" and "decided" to build socialism without asking "whether the Vietnamese people want it or not" are distorted and reactionary.
In fact, the Communist Party of Vietnam leads the State and society not by administrative orders but by the Party's Platform, viewpoints, guidelines and policies; by the work of cadres and activities of Party organizations, cadres and Party members in accordance with the spirit of "Party organizations and Party members of the Communist Party of Vietnam operate within the framework of the Constitution and the law" as stipulated in the 2013 Constitution. Therefore, there is no such thing as the Party "putting itself above the Constitution" as the hostile forces distort to sabotage the Party and the regime.
Furthermore, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam has a Constitution and a legal system that has been built, adjusted, supplemented, and increasingly perfected in all political, economic, cultural, educational, and social fields, not only to institutionalize the Party's policies and guidelines, contributing to improving the effectiveness of state management and social life management towards the goal of a rich people, strong country, democracy, fairness, and civilization, but also to ensure, protect, enforce, promote human rights, civil rights, and proactively integrate internationally when continuing to build and perfect the Socialist Republic of Vietnam's rule of law state in the new period in the spirit of Resolution No. 27-NQ/TW dated November 9, 2022.
In fact, firmly following the path to socialism, under the leadership of the Party, the Vietnamese people are truly the masters and have been, are, and will continue to be the masters of their own destiny and of their nation on the journey towards the future. The socialist democracy that Vietnam builds and implements is a consistent requirement of the Communist Party of Vietnam; is the goal and driving force for the development of the country, not only vividly demonstrating Ho Chi Minh's thought: "OUR COUNTRY IS A DEMOCRATIC COUNTRY./ All benefits are for the people./ All powers belong to the people./ The work of innovation and construction is the responsibility of the people./ The cause of resistance and nation building is the work of the people./ The government from the commune to the Central Government is elected by the people./ The organizations from the Central to the commune are organized by the people./ In short, power and strength are in the people " (2) , but also creating conditions to ensure and promote the democratic rights of the people in all areas of social life.
It must be affirmed that a Vietnam that has broken through and developed with a new appearance, stature and position is far different from the days before the Party was born; much different than before the August Revolution in 1945 succeeded and has "changed its skin" since the whole country unified and moved towards socialism after the victory of the General Offensive and Uprising in the Spring of 1975. Therefore, no matter how discontented, opportunistic and reactionary elements "argue" and "evade and cheat" in any form, it is all a distortion, deliberately twisting the truth in order to deny and demand the abolition of the leadership role of the Communist Party of Vietnam.
General Secretary To Lam emphasized that this is the time for Vietnam to "converge" all advantages and strengths to bring the country into a new era, an era of national growth.
Our Party has affirmed that moving towards socialism is an irreversible trend (although the regional and world situation has many changes and extremely complicated developments) and that the political operation mechanism has always been consolidated and maintained as "the Party leads, the State manages and the people are the masters", while at the same time carrying out innovation in thinking on the basis of looking straight at the truth and correctly assessing the truth since the 6th Congress (December 1986). The strong innovation of the Party's leadership; the State's management; the people's mastery mechanism not only maintains political stability, but also contributes to the country's many economic and social achievements and continues to make spectacular progress.
Under the leadership of the Party, with the innovation of thinking, first of all economic thinking, from a centrally planned economy, Vietnam has shifted to a market mechanism, proactively and actively integrating comprehensively and deeply into the international community. By choosing the right development path, in accordance with the law, from an agricultural, backward, poor country with a small economy, Vietnam has left the group of low-income countries since 2008. From a closed, closed economy, Vietnam has become the 22nd largest global trading partner...
After nearly 40 years of renovation, changes in all areas of social life have brought Vietnam a new foundation, potential, position and prestige in the region and the international community. It is the great achievements under the leadership of the Party that have "helped Vietnam accumulate position and strength for breakthrough development in the next period (…). Independence, sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity are maintained; national and ethnic interests are guaranteed. The size of the economy in 2023 is 96 times larger than in 1986. Vietnam is in the group of 40 countries with the largest economies in the world and the top 20 economies in terms of trade and foreign investment attraction; has diplomatic relations with 193 countries that are members of the United Nations; building partnerships, strategic cooperation, comprehensive strategic partnerships with all major powers in the world and the region..." as General Secretary To Lam discussed with the students of the Training Course, updating knowledge and skills for planning cadres of the 14th Party Central Committee, on October 31, 2024.
The 10th Conference of the 13th Party Central Committee took place from September 18 to September 20, 2024 in Hanoi (Photo: VGP).
On the eve of the 14th National Party Congress, Vietnam is facing an important turning point in the history of national development, but certainly the “current political model” – a Communist Party-led leadership – does not “hinder Vietnam’s sustainable development and deep integration with the international community”. On the contrary, the steadfastness in the path to socialism under the leadership of the Party; the steadfastness in the monistic political system instead of implementing pluralistic democracy; the steadfastness in building a socialist rule-of-law state under the leadership of the Party… has brought Vietnam independence, freedom, unity, peace and stable development for nearly half a century. That is the truth, not the model of a Communist Party-led leadership and the choice to build socialism under the light of Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh thought is “limiting the potential for national development and weakening Vietnam’s position in the international arena” as the anti-government forces often fabricate.
The truth is that, “continuing to implement the foreign policy of independence, self-reliance, multilateralization, and diversification; proactively and actively integrating comprehensively, deeply, and effectively into the international community; maintaining a peaceful and stable environment; constantly enhancing Vietnam's international position and prestige” (3) and “ensuring the highest national interests, on the basis of the fundamental principles of the United Nations Charter and international law, equality, and mutually beneficial cooperation” (4) of Vietnam in the renovation period has not only brought about enhanced strategic cooperation and mutual trust, but also increased the effectiveness of defense and security cooperation and enhanced economic cooperation and global integration…
The achievements of innovation and deep international integration have made Vietnam increasingly developed, not only becoming an attractive destination for foreign investors, but also a responsible country in participating in and solving regional and global issues…. |
The above objective facts have proven that the path that Vietnam is taking is correct. Under the leadership of the Party, the achievements in the cause of building and defending the Socialist Republic of Vietnam are undeniable. These facts are evidence that completely negates the "false criticism" voices, that: If Vietnam wants to rise up in the new era, it must abandon the "one-party political regime" and choose the "pluralist democracy" regime (!).
Innovation is the nature of revolution and development, so Vietnam will continue to innovate towards a bright future, but certainly not “change color”. The steadfastness in national independence and socialism is to make the process of progressive innovation effective; to promote socialism’s superior nature, avoid dogmatism, stagnation, and rigidity in thinking and ideology; to enliven the lasting values of a peaceful, independent, free, autonomous, rich, prosperous, and happy Vietnam in the transitional period to socialism.
“Reforming the political system”, implementing pluralistic democracy, and organizing civil society are not the “only way”; even less is it true that Vietnam is facing a great opportunity to “need” to “transform the system and become a free, democratic country, in line with Western values” as advocated by disgruntled, opportunistic, and reactionary elements. Therefore, one thing is certain: Vietnam will rise up in the new era but will not change its political regime; will not abandon the path and goal of national independence and socialism – the red thread, throughout and consistent of the Vietnamese revolutionary path under the leadership of the Party; will never abandon Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh Thought – the ideological foundation and compass for the Party’s actions.
Vietnam will rise up in the new era but will not change its political regime; will not abandon the path and goal of national independence and socialism - the red thread, throughout and consistent of the Vietnamese revolutionary path under the leadership of the Party; will never abandon Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh Thought - the ideological foundation and compass for the Party's actions. |
As General Secretary To Lam affirmed, Vietnam continues to innovate in the context of the world undergoing many epochal changes and the country is also entering a new era, an era of national growth under the leadership of the Party to build a prosperous and happy socialist Vietnam, but that is not the "totalitarian path", "continuing the policy of suppressing dissenting voices" as the hostile forces have blackened. Rather, it is the source of the strength of great national unity; continuing to innovate the Party's leadership and governance methods over the State and society; continuing to build and perfect the socialist rule-of-law state of the people, by the people, for the people under the leadership of the Party; promote people's mastery in all areas of social life and ensure, protect, enforce, and promote human rights and civil rights according to the Constitution and laws of Vietnam... but do not accept pluralistic democracy, multi-party opposition, civil society organizations, and certainly do not follow the capitalist path./.
(1) Communist Party of Vietnam: Documents of the 13th National Congress of Delegates , National Political Publishing House Truth, Hanoi, 2021, vol. II, p. 322.
(2) Ho Chi Minh: Complete Works , National Political Publishing House Truth, Hanoi, 2011, vol.6, p.232.
(3) (4) Communist Party of Vietnam: Documents of the 13th National Congress of Delegates , op. cit., vol. 1, pp. 117-118, 110.
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