The armor on the front slope of the Leopard 2A4 tank turret is only about 40 mm thick. Structurally, the armor on the Leopard 2 turret roof can protect the tank from fragments from 155 mm shells.
From the photo, it can be inferred that it was a direct hit caused by the explosion of a 120mm or 122mm shell. Many experts believe that it is very likely that this was a failed attack by a Lancet drone using a high-explosive warhead. Since the Lancet UAV cannot carry a large explosive charge, it was modified to carry a warhead like the 120mm caliber.
Damage to the Leopard tank turret roof after the attack.
In addition to the hole in the turret roof, the tank commander's PERI R17 panoramic sight and the gunner's EMES-15 sight were also destroyed. However, these damages are normal, they can still be repaired, replaced and the turret can be welded.
The Leopard 2A4 tank's turret armor is made up of a combination of different materials. The main material used is a steel alloy called Rolled Homogeneous Armor (RHA).
Hole in the tank turret.
This steel is known for its high hardness and durability, making it an ideal choice for tank armor. The RHA used in the Leopard 2A4 is specially designed to withstand high-velocity impacts from armor-piercing and other types of ammunition.
In addition to RHA, the Leopard 2A4 tank turret armor also incorporates composite materials. These materials are often made from a combination of different materials, such as ceramics, metals, and plastics.
The composition of composite materials used in the Leopard 2A4 has been specially designed, they provide additional protection against high-explosive anti-tank (HEAT) rounds and other types of threats.
Le Hung (Source: Bulgarian Military)
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