Pursuant to Official Dispatch No. 2780/UBCK-PTTT dated May 13, 2022 of the State Securities Commission on the announcement of the 2024 trading holiday schedule, Vietnam Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation (VSDC) announces the working holiday schedule and securities transaction settlement schedule on the occasion of National Day 2024 as follows:
VSDC will be closed on Monday, September 2 and Tuesday, September 3, with Tuesday, September 3 being the next consecutive day off according to the Labor Law.
Securities transactions with T+2 settlement cycles made on August 29 and August 30 will be settled on September 4 and September 5, respectively; securities transactions with T+1 settlement cycles made on August 30 will be settled on September 4.
VSDC respectfully informs depository members, clearing members, and organizations opening direct accounts and requests depository members and clearing members to notify investors of the holiday schedule and payment schedule.
Source: https://nhandan.vn/vsdc-thong-bao-nghi-lam-viec-va-thanh-toan-chung-khoan-dip-quoc-khanh-29-post827083.html
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