70 years after the Dien Bien Phu victory that "resounded throughout the five continents and shook the world", the land of Dien Bien is now covered with the green color of fruit trees and industrial trees...
That achievement and the economic mark of daily development further demonstrate the efforts and hard work that the people, local authorities and the branch of the Bank for Social Policies of Dien Bien province have put in to eliminate poverty and create prosperity in the border land of the Fatherland.
Bringing preferential capital from the Bank for Social Policies to poor farmers in Dien Bien
In order to "bring enough government money to lend to villages and hamlets", help develop the economy and reduce poverty, the staff of the Bank for Social Policies still "the night dew has not yet cleared but the footsteps of credit officers have already set out". The staff go to work regardless of weekdays or holidays. Every time it is a transaction session, they set out, bringing capital to the commune so that people can invest in production and farming in time.
In Muong Ang district, from the top of Tang Quai pass looking towards Muong Ang valley is now the vast green of coffee and macadamia. Even in Tat He - the poorest village of Ang Nua commune, the hills that used to only grow corn and cassava have now become lush coffee gardens. Borrowing credit capital since 2009 with 5 million VND to buy breeding cows, but with a small scale of raising cattle and in difficult conditions, by 2016, despite borrowing another round of capital with 50 million VND to increase the herd to 4 cows, the journey to escape poverty with the family of Mr. Vang A Da (Tat He village, Ang Nua commune, Muong Ang district) still has not seen the day of reaching the destination...
Director of the Bank for Social Policies of Dien Bien province, Hoang Ngoc Thuong, said: The branch will continue to advise the province to implement Directive No. 40-CT/TW and Conclusion No. 06-KL/TW of the Central Party Secretariat. In particular, increasing local budget capital entrusted to the Bank for Social Policies to supplement loan capital for poor households and other policy beneficiaries; ensuring that policy beneficiaries with needs and sufficient conditions have access to capital, manage and use loans for the right purposes and effectively, creating momentum for Dien Bien to develop rapidly associated with green, effective and sustainable growth.
That is why, when he first saw that coffee could be grown in many areas of the Northwest region like his hometown, Vang A Da was determined to become one of the bold people to clear corn fields to grow coffee. He sold some of his cows to have capital, actively learned techniques, bought seedlings to invest in growing coffee... Vang A Da's daring was duly rewarded when, just over two years later, his family escaped poverty. Vang A Da's economic example was followed by the whole village and they started growing coffee together.
For Ms. Nguyen Thi Ngoc (in Muong Ang town, Muong Ang district), the policy loan helped her family become the first household to grow grapefruit here. Starting with 1 hectare of grapefruit each year, then gradually accumulating, using short-term to support long-term, her family expanded to 2 hectares and now has 5 hectares of grapefruit trees. Each year, both the grapefruit garden and the coffee garden bring Ms. Ngoc and her husband an income of billions of dong.
Developing capital sources, increasing credit coverage
Like Muong Ang, people in other districts and towns of Dien Bien province are also making great efforts to develop their economy. Along with the local economic development orientations, each poor household, near-poor household, or even newly escaped poverty household are actively consulted and supported by the staff of the Social Policy Bank and socio-political organizations, from choosing a livelihood to reduce poverty to short-term and long-term loan cycles suitable for livestock and crops. Coordinate with departments, branches and socio-political organizations to apply technology to farming to improve productivity and income for borrowers...
In particular, since the issuance of Directive No. 40-CT/TW, the Dien Bien Provincial Bank for Social Policies branch and the District Bank for Social Policies transaction offices have proactively advised the Provincial and District People's Committees to transfer local budget capital entrusted through the branches to accelerate poverty reduction lending as well as to implement local economic development goals. The Provincial People's Council's assignment to the Provincial People's Committee to transfer 20 billion VND each year and the districts to transfer at least 0.1% of the total budget revenue entrusted through the Bank for Social Policies to supplement lending to the poor and other policy beneficiaries has created a breakthrough in developing capital sources and increasing the depth of policy credit coverage in the area.
By March 31, 2024, the mobilized capital of the Dien Bien branch of the Bank for Social Policies reached more than VND 4,799 billion, an increase of more than VND 123 billion compared to the beginning of the year, a growth rate of 2.6%. Of which, the local budget capital reached more than VND 102 billion, an increase of more than VND 33 billion, completing 101% of the plan. Policy credit capital is supporting 78,874 poor people and policy beneficiaries to develop the economy with a total outstanding debt of over VND 4,787 billion, an increase of more than VND 117.4 billion compared to the beginning of the year.
The efforts of the provincial branch of the Bank for Social Policies have contributed to Dien Bien ranking 2nd in growth rate among 14 provinces in the Northern Midlands and Mountains region, ranking 24th out of 63 provinces and cities nationwide in 2022. People's lives have improved significantly, infrastructure has been invested in and built more and more synchronously and spaciously...
Source: https://danviet.vn/von-tin-dung-ngan-hang-csxh-tao-dung-am-no-noi-dat-chien-truong-xua-o-dien-bien-20240513175219546.htm
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