Journalist Le Thanh Phong shared at the discussion

At the program, representatives of Martial Arts Associations, cultural management units and schools in the area shared, discussed and presented papers on traditional martial arts, martial arts in schools, the need to bring martial arts into schools as a formal curriculum...

Presenting his speech, Master Nguyen Van Dung emphasized that martial arts help young people train their character, personality, and cultivate morality; teach young people to know themselves and others; and equip practitioners with self-protection skills.

Currently, many martial arts schools have expanded their training space. Every month and every quarter, martial arts schools organize picnics, sightseeing tours, and immersion in nature, thereby training the younger generation in discipline, love of nature, and environmental protection. Many martial arts schools, in order to help students be responsible for the community, have organized calls for martial arts students to donate books to rural schools, give scholarships, and support the construction of schools for students in mountainous areas.

Martial arts groups participate in the "Ceremony of Announcing Martial Saints and Martial Arts at the Martial Arts Temple relic"

Ms. Le Thi Ly Na, Principal of Le Loi Primary School, informed: The school has introduced martial arts into the school as an elective class since 2015, after that, the school had skill, sports and martial arts clubs. "I am very happy because the students really love martial arts," Ms. Na said. At one point, the club attracted more than 100 students to participate. In addition to the existing skill teachers, the school invited more martial arts teachers to strengthen. Up to now, the school still maintains 2 martial arts clubs at the school with more than 70 martial arts students participating in practice. The Principal of Le Loi Primary School shared the difficulties in implementing martial arts in the school as well as proposed ideas so that martial arts can become a formal curriculum.

According to journalist Le Thanh Phong, the young generation is being negatively affected by technological devices, many students have mental disorders due to exam pressure and social networks. Teachers are also under a lot of pressure, parents chasing after "achievement disease" put more pressure on their children. "Let's save our children. Let our children develop normally. Each individual will have their own choice of path, with their own happiness". And on the journey of intellectual and physical development for the young generation, it is necessary to equip children with a foundation of health, in which martial arts is a necessary subject.

The seminar with many enthusiastic opinions of martial arts masters and researchers further clarified the role and position of martial arts in educating the young generation, including educating patriotism and national pride through the long-standing tradition of Vietnamese martial arts; further motivating the young generation in exercising and improving their physical fitness.
