In the United States, to practice, all physicians must undergo residency training at programs accredited by the ACGME. ACGME-I accreditation is a prestigious recognition of training quality, increasing professional competitiveness for residents as well as increasing opportunities to be admitted to advanced training programs in countries under the same accreditation system. This accreditation also helps build international prestige for medical education institutions with international organizations, agencies and medical communities, facilitating cooperation, exchange of experts and improving medical quality.

In June, VinUni signed a cooperation agreement with ACGME-I to implement accreditation of BSNT programs according to international standards.

The ACGME-I training program replaces the traditional model of GPs with a competency-based model. A GP upon graduation will be trained in 6 core competencies including: medical knowledge, patient care/treatment and procedure performance, professionalism, communication and teamwork skills, practice-based learning and improvement, and systems-based practice.

To achieve ACGME-I accreditation, VinUni's Institute of Health Sciences has complied with and passed the most stringent assessment contents including: Management system, training program, post-graduation capacity of learners, management process, human resources, finance...

Mr. James A. Arrighi, President and CEO of ACGME - I said: “The faculty and training staff at VinUni have been familiar with the specialized requirements of ACGME-I and have been very well prepared since registering for accreditation. VinUni's postgraduate medical training programs are designed from the beginning to be suitable and meet the ACGME-I model. We are very impressed to work with VinUni's medical faculty, witness their professionalism and dedication and look forward to continuing to work together for many years to come on the journey to create, strengthen and develop high-quality BSNT programs”.

Previously, in June 2023, VinUni and ACGME-I signed a cooperation agreement to implement accreditation of VinUni's BSNT programs. Within 5 years, ACGME-I will implement activities to accredit training institutions, accredit BSNT training programs and monitor the quality of VinUni, starting from the 2023-2024 school year. ACGME-I will also provide consulting and training for VinUni's leadership and program management team according to the organization's standards through an electronic learning system and live seminars.

The registration for accreditation of the BSNT training program according to the international accreditation standards ACGME-I affirms VinUni's right direction in its commitment to building and organizing medical education programs according to the world's leading standards.

Graduating from ACGME-I accredited training programs, residents will have the opportunity to be admitted to specialty training programs in countries with programs accredited under the same system.

Professor David Bangsberg, Acting Provost of VinUni University and Dean of the School of Health Sciences, affirmed: “ ACGME-I accreditation is an important step forward in providing VinUni with a training program that meets the highest international standards. The results are also a clear demonstration of VinUni’s commitment to becoming an excellent university. This is a very proud achievement for the VinUni medical education team as well as our partners at the University of Pennsylvania .”

Professor Le Van Phuoc, Deputy Director of the Institute of Health Sciences in charge of Medical Education, VinUni University said: “ For medical students, accessing the ACGME-I accredited training program at VinUni will open up many career opportunities as well as opportunities for advanced training at higher levels in the United States and other countries with programs accredited under the same system .”

As a young university with the aspiration to achieve international training quality, from the very beginning, VinUni was determined to have a strategic cooperation with one of the world's leading universities in medical training, the University of Pennsylvania. The training program of the Institute of Health Sciences is therefore designed based on the principles of ACGME-I accreditation to ensure training quality.

The fact that VinUni’s Institute of Health Sciences achieved ACGME-I accreditation marks an important milestone not only for VinUni but also for medical education in Vietnam. The event is a recognition of efforts and also a motivation for VinUni to continue to “take off” on its journey, a journey to contribute to training excellent people and becoming an excellent university.