By creating a forum for direct exchange and discussion between leading experts in various fields, the InnovaTalk online seminar series organized by VinFuture Foundation over the past 3 years has become a solid bridge for the Vietnamese scientific community to reach out to the world, contributing to promoting research and technology application globally.
Persistent efforts to create a bright future for Vietnamese science
Dr. Cao Duc Phat, Chairman of the Board of Directors at the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), Former Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development of Vietnam, is a special speaker at the InnovaTalk in October 2024 with the topic "Food and Water Security".
The veteran expert said that VinFuture plays an important role in connecting the Vietnamese scientific community with the world. Through live discussion and Q&A sessions at InnovaTalk, Vietnamese scientists have the opportunity to introduce their scientific research and applications, and at the same time exchange and learn from foreign experts.
"The VinFuture Prize creates a strong incentive for the domestic and international scientific community. This is an important opportunity to grasp existing engineering technologies, and learn from the ideas and initiatives of leading countries, while at the same time, improving Vietnam's capacity for research, transfer and application of science and technology, contributing to the country's important long-term development goals," he emphasized.
Dr. Cao Duc Phat speaks at the event during the 2023 International Rice Congress (Photo: IRRI)
Agreeing with this view, Associate Professor Dr. Le Hoang Son, Deputy Director of the Institute of Information Technology, Vietnam National University, Hanoi, also highly appreciated the influence of VinFuture in opening up new research opportunities.
"The success of any event, in terms of three aspects: people, resources and vision, the human factor plays a key role. VinFuture, with its independent role and position in the scientific community, plays a very important role in connecting parties, promoting high-tech development for Vietnam, thereby creating breakthroughs in science & technology and innovation. Accompanying VinFuture are prestigious scientists and technology experts from leading universities in the country, together creating a strong human resource to meet the rapid changes of today's technology", Associate Professor, Dr. Le Hoang Son commented when attending the InnovaTalk online seminar in July 2024 with the theme "Generative AI: Breakthroughs and Challenges".
Associate Professor, Dr. Le Hoang Son sees the activities of the VinFuture Foundation as a persistent effort to promote the development of science and technology in the country (Associate Professor, Dr. Le Hoang Son at an event of Hanoi National University)
Participating in InnovaTalk in August 2024 with the topic "Advances in battery technology and fast charging", Mr. Duong Quang Tien, Chief Battery Engineer at the US Department of Energy, expressed his admiration for VinFuture's activities in promoting science and technology in Vietnam.
"I really admire VinFuture. I think it is a great way to promote the development of science and technology for Vietnamese students and for the country," Mr. Tien shared.
Scientists see VinFuture not only as a prestigious international award but also as a persistent effort to create a bright future for Vietnamese science and technology. VinFuture does not pursue short-term successes, but focuses on building a solid foundation, encouraging scientists to freely research and contribute, contributing to solving global problems.
"The networking activities of VinFuture Foundation are very valuable, providing a platform for scientists around the world to discuss problems and solutions together, helping to make scientific and technological research more effective," said Dr. Cao Duc Phat.
Opening up new horizons for research collaboration
In fact, countless great opportunities have been sparked and developed from InnovaTalk. Mr. Duong Quang Tien shared that through the InnovaTalk online conference in August 2024, he was very impressed with the presentation of Professor Xuejie Huang from the Institute of Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, on new materials for upgrading lithium-ion batteries. This bridge has opened up a potential opportunity for cooperation.
“I see potential for collaboration with Professor Huang to explore the benefits of hybrid cathode combining manganese spinel and lithium-ion phosphate. I am also very interested in collaborating with Professor Huang on sodium-ion battery technology,” Tien shared.
Meanwhile, Associate Professor Dr. Le Hoang Son said that he had the opportunity to directly discuss with the world's leading AI experts such as Dr. Xuedong Huang (Chief Technology Officer of Zoom Video Communications), Dr. Eric Horvitz (Chief Scientist of Microsoft), and Dr. Alex Ratner (co-founder and CEO of Snorkel AI).
"InnovaTalk has truly created a two-way relationship. This has helped me expand my connections with scientists in many different fields. The mission of science in general is to serve the community, in which research results and Artificial Intelligence technology will support the community in professional work and life, helping to improve efficiency and performance. The value of those who do in-depth research is to work with others, in other professions, to solve social problems. The desire and urge to solve big problems is the motivation for scientists to continue researching," he shared.
Foreign experts also shared many positive things about the values that VinFuture's InnovaTalk event series brings.
Prof. Xuejie Huang shared his desire to continue cooperating and connecting with Vietnamese scientists through the VinFuture Foundation (Photo: China EV100)
“I highly value these events, which are important platforms to discuss and learn from peers, and let future generations know what we are doing, and hear from the beneficiaries themselves,” Professor Xuejie Huang shared.
Professor Xuejie Huang also highly appreciated the dynamism, creativity and inquisitiveness of the Vietnamese scientific community, as well as the acumen of Vietnamese scientists in grasping new technological trends in the world. At the same time, he said that the VinFuture Foundation is on the right track, not only promoting fundamental sciences but also honoring practical breakthroughs with high applicability.
Launched in 2022, the InnovaTalk online seminar series organized by VinFuture Foundation has truly become a prestigious meeting place for the domestic and international science and technology community. Each seminar brings together an average of 200 experts from about 20 countries and territories.
The highlight of InnovaTalk is the participation of speakers from both academic research and industrial applications, providing a comprehensive view of science from both theoretical and practical perspectives. This combination is the key to translating scientific research into practical applications, while promoting cooperation between researchers and business partners.
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