Specifically, all newly established businesses in 2024 will be exempted from using accounting software for 12 months when using the Digital Signature Combo package (CA USB Token or MySign) with electronic invoices or social insurance declaration software or electronic contracts. In addition, customers can access the SME HUB integration platform (https://sme.viettel.vn) to view detailed information. This is a platform developed by Viettel Telecom to integrate products and services of Viettel Telecom as well as partners to help SME businesses choose suitable products in the digital transformation process and EasyBooks accounting software is the first product integrated on this platform.
Built on the technology platform: Cloud computing, Big Data, EasyBooks is an accounting software designed on the principle of minimalism, helping users save maximum time to get acquainted and use the software. Along with the long-term, sustainable cooperation between Viettel and Softdreams, EasyBooks is oriented to develop systematically and professionally. Therefore, customers can be completely assured of the quality of service, data security as well as helping users save maximum costs when using.
EasyBooks accounting software fully meets the accounting operations according to Circular 133 and Circular 200. The free use of accounting software for newly established businesses is Viettel's goodwill to share the current difficulties for businesses in the early stages of entering the market.
EasyBooks accounting software with outstanding features such as:
- Automate all data entry stages, optimize productivity 10 times, synthesize data and create purchase/sale invoices connected to Hoadondientu.gdt.gov.vn with high accuracy.
- Easy to use (intuitive interface, with detailed instructions for each subsystem, operation, and software usage).
- Direct connection to the electronic tax site, allowing to look up and download declarations in bulk by month, quarter, year for storage, exploitation and analysis.
- Direct connection to the tax electronic invoice page, allowing to download purchase and sale invoices to automatically create documents, store, exploit, and analyze the legal validity of invoices.
- Unlimited users in terms of both the number of users accessing and using software features.
- Diverse types of businesses (Trade, Services, Manufacturing, Construction).
- Effective management (Automatically synthesize data and create financial reports with hundreds of available forms, helping accountants promptly respond to management requirements).
- Security with cloud application helps customers easily and conveniently use and manage.
- Many utilities to help businesses such as: checking and comparing documents and books, quick data entry, supporting default accounting, automatically generating related documents...
- Features and reporting system are built on the common standards of the Ministry of Finance and automatically warn users when accounting is invalid, inventory is negative.
- Continuously updated when there are changes in accounting and tax policies, upgrades are completely free.
For product information on SME HUB, customers can find out at: https://sme.viettel.vn/market-place/detail/EASYBOOKS
To register for the incentive program, businesses can contact the nearest Viettel store or contact 18008000 extension 1 (free) for direct support./.
Source: https://laodong.vn/kinh-doanh/viettel-mien-phi-12-thang-su-dung-phan-mem-ke-toan-tren-sme-hub-1374553.ldo
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