According to the Consolidated Financial Report for the third quarter of 2024, the entire market has decreased in terms of scale and CASA ratio. However, in that context, VietinBank has become a bright spot with both growth in scale and improvement in the CASA ratio in mobilized capital. By the end of the third quarter of 2024, the scale of VietinBank's CASA capital reached VND 351 trillion, a net increase of VND 33 trillion, an increase of 10.4% compared to the end of 2023; the proportion of CASA in total mobilized capital reached 23.2%, an increase of 0.6% compared to the end of 2023. With the above results, VietinBank has become the bank with the highest increase in CASA balance in the banking industry, continuing to be in the group of banks with the highest CASA scale and improvement in CASA ratio in the market. This is VietinBank's advantage over other banks; At the same time, it demonstrated the ability to maintain and grow CASA capital in the context of a decline in CASA deposits in the whole market, helping VietinBank reduce the cost of capital ratio (COF), increase net interest margin (NIM) and improve overall operating efficiency.
Source: Consolidated financial statements of VietinBank
Growing CASA with comprehensive financial solutions
Currently, VietinBank is managing customers according to different segments and sub-segments. Based on understanding the needs of each customer, VietinBank has built comprehensive financial solution packages suitable for each segment: large enterprise customers, small and medium enterprise customers, FDI enterprise customers, retail customers... and according to the different business characteristics of each customer. Along with the comprehensive financial solution package, VietinBank has implemented many preferential programs on account services, money transfer and e-banking for customers; actively shifting customers using traditional channels to digital channels, helping to improve service experience and reduce costs for VietinBank and customers. In recent years, VietinBank has effectively implemented campaigns to develop new customer files to register to open accounts (including registering to open personal accounts via eKYC) and use online payment applications such as: VietinBank eFAST, VietinBank iPay. As a result, the number of corporate and retail customers has grown over the years with an increase of about 7% per year for the corporate customer segment and 17.5% for the retail customer segment.NUMBER OF CORPORATE CUSTOMERS TRANSACTIONS AT VIETINBANK OVER THE YEARS
Unit: Thousand KH
Unit: Million VND
Applying advanced banking technology, connecting diverse ecosystems
VietinBank is constantly innovating, applying modern technologies, connecting ERP, connecting payments and cash flow management, building a comprehensive payment ecosystem to serve the diverse needs of all customer segments. Thanks to efforts to develop digital payment services, the number of transactions via VietinBank eFAST and VietinBank iPay of VietinBank in the third quarter of 2024 increased by 37.6% and 75.2% respectively compared to the same period in 2023; the proportion of transactions via VietinBank iPay of individual customers reached 92.2% and via VietinBank eFAST channel of corporate customers reached 84%.Affirming market leading position
VietinBank has deployed many new payment products and services such as: Account and investment service packages for financial institution customers; electronic payment packages in State budget revenue and expenditure activities... applying digital management technology (DSM) to allow customers to conduct transactions remotely, safely and marking a major step forward in VietinBank's digital transformation process. Not stopping at the domestic market, VietinBank also pioneered the development of cross-border payment services using QR codes between Vietnam and Thailand - a breakthrough project in the field of international payments. This success continued to expand to the Lao market, helping to facilitate cross-border trade, consolidating CASA sources from international customers. In parallel with the expansion of the payment ecosystem, VietinBank has established cooperative relationships with major partners such as: Hospitals, schools, public administrative agencies to develop bill and tuition payment services; combined with a variety of card payment products with large organizations such as: JCB, other payment partners such as: VNPAY, InfoPlus, Vbis... These strategic solutions have helped VietinBank not only maintain CASA growth rate; but also reduce cost of capital (COF), improve profit margin (NIM) and affirm its pioneering position in the field of modern digital payments. In the coming time, VietinBank will continue to apply and develop digital transformation initiatives and solutions to meet the ability to process a large number of transactions in the future. At the same time, continue to modernize the payment system to create a foundation to promote business activities and bring satisfaction and engagement of customers.
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