ANTD.VN - The Securities Commission has issued an official dispatch approving in principle the selection of Vietcombank as the payment bank to conduct a test connection of the system with VSDC and a number of depository members.
The Ministry of Finance has just updated the progress of preparations for launching the private corporate bond trading system.
Accordingly, the Ministry of Finance said that regarding the legal framework for organizing the private corporate bond trading market, the Ministry issued Circular No. 30/2023/TT-BTC dated May 17, 2023 guiding the registration, deposit, exercise of rights, transfer of ownership, payment of transactions and organization of the private corporate bond trading market in the domestic market.
Regarding professional guidance documents, the State Securities Commission (SSC) is coordinating with the Stock Exchanges and the Vietnam Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation (VSDC) to review and approve the Regulations on registration, depository and payment of privately issued corporate bonds of VSDC, the Regulations on members trading privately issued corporate bonds and the Regulations on trading privately issued corporate bonds of the Vietnam Stock Exchanges.
Private corporate bond trading floor to operate this July |
Hanoi Stock Exchange and VSDC have completed the final testing phase and are ready to put the trading system, registration, depository and payment system for privately issued corporate bonds into operation.
The State Securities Commission will submit to the Ministry of Finance before approving the official operation of the trading system, registration, depository and payment system for privately issued corporate bonds.
Notably, the State Securities Commission has issued an official dispatch approving in principle the selection of the Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Foreign Trade of Vietnam (Vietcombank) as the payment bank to conduct a test connection of the system with VSDC and a number of depository members.
Currently, the State Securities Commission is carrying out procedures to approve a commercial bank to act as the payment bank for Vietcombank's private corporate bond transactions after VSDC issued an official dispatch confirming that Vietcombank's infrastructure and technical system has ensured the payment of private corporate bond transactions, and confirmed the successful testing of Vietcombank's private corporate bond transaction payment connection system.
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