According to the report, Vietnam ranked 71/193 countries with 0.7709 points (up 15 places compared to 2022 and 2020). Previously, in the two previous assessments, Vietnam maintained its ranking of 86.
In Southeast Asia alone, Vietnam rose 1 place to rank 5th out of 11 countries.
Sub-indexes such as OIS (TT public service index), TII (telecom infrastructure index), HCI (human capital index), EPI (digital participation index) all increased compared to two years ago.
According to the United Nations, Vietnam’s rise in rankings is due to strengthening its digital infrastructure, expanding internet connectivity, and robust implementation of its digital government framework. Vietnam’s significant investments in digital public services are reflected in its improved EGDI position.
With the position just achieved, Vietnam is also approaching the goal of being in the top 50 by 2025; the rate of online records reaching 80%; the number of transactions via the National Data Integration and Sharing Platform reaching 860 million transactions; the rate of providing open data by state agencies reaching 100%.
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