With an average monthly cost of just over $1,000, Malaysia is a great choice for retirees, according to Nasdaq. Pictured: Floating market in Malaysia. (Source: Getty) |
The finding is based on data from the United Nations Asia-Pacific Regional Group and gross domestic product (GDP) from WorldPopulationReview, Nasdaq said.
The report also draws on cost of living data from Numbeo and the Global Peace Index (GPI) from the Institute for Economics and Peace's 2022 Global Peace Index Report.
Topping the list is Malaysia, with a GPI of 1.471 and an average monthly cost of living of $1,066.
Coming in second on the list is Kuwait, with a GPI of 1.739 and an average monthly cost of living of $1,741.
Kuwait's cost of living isn't as low as some of the other countries on this list, but its overall cost of living combined with its GPI score makes the Middle Eastern nation a great choice for retirement.
Mongolia ranked third, with a peace index of 1.775 and an average monthly cost of living of $940.
In fourth place is Vietnam, with a GPI of 1,786 and an average monthly cost of living of $1,117, followed by Indonesia with a peace score of 1,800 and an average monthly cost of living of $940.
Cambodia and Nepal also made the top 10 list.
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