Attending the event were Mr. Tang The Cuong - Director of the Department of Climate Change, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Mr. Pradeep Kurukulasuriya - Global Director of Environmental Finance, Nature, Climate Change and Energy, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Mr. Kevin Horsburgh - Director of Climate Science, Green Climate Fund (GCF).
Speaking at the opening of the workshop, Mr. Tang The Cuong quoted the UN Secretary General warning that the world is entering an era of global warming. Natural disasters and extreme weather under the impact of climate change are seriously affecting many countries and communities on an unprecedented scale and level.
With its geographical features of a long coastline and located in the Western Pacific tropical storm belt, in recent years, Vietnam has recorded 20/21 types of natural disasters occurring nationwide, causing many losses in human lives and property, especially for vulnerable groups. According to World Bank estimates, in the period 2011-2022, economic losses due to the negative impacts of climate change in Vietnam will reach over 10 billion USD.
To adapt to climate change, Vietnam has issued the National Plan for Climate Change Adaptation for the 20214-2030 period, with a vision to 2050, with three priority tasks and solutions on improving the effectiveness of climate change adaptation; enhancing resilience and improving the adaptive capacity of communities, economic sectors and ecosystems; mitigating natural disaster risks and minimizing damage, and being ready to respond to increasing natural disasters and extreme climates.
However, Vietnam is facing many challenges, such as a lack of financial resources, qualifications, and experience, which cannot meet urgent requirements. It is estimated that Vietnam's financial needs for climate change adaptation in the 2021-2030 period will reach 100 billion USD. Vietnam wishes to cooperate, exchange experiences, and promote multilateral cooperation with development partners and non-governmental organizations, especially UNDP and the Green Climate Fund (GCF); to implement solutions and tasks towards global adaptation goals.
Mr. Tang The Cuong also announced that Vietnam and the World Bank are cooperating to implement the 1 million hectare low-emission rice project in the Mekong Delta, which is considered one of the deltas most heavily affected by rising sea levels and climate change.
UNDP representative, Mr. Pradeep Kurukulasuriya acknowledged Vietnam's efforts in responding to climate change with very specific actions, especially climate change adaptation activities widely deployed to the majority of people, especially vulnerable groups. UNDP affirmed that it will always support and assist Vietnam in accessing financial resources and international support to implement solutions towards the goal of net zero emissions.
Impressed with the results that Vietnam has achieved in the past 2 years, since COP26, Mr. Kevin Horsburgh, Director of Climate Science, Green Climate Fund said that the Fund will continue to support countries including Vietnam to enhance coordination between parties, focusing on pilot activities along with creating financial resources to help implement activities to respond to climate change.
Ms. Pham Thi Cam Nhung, Representative of the Climate Change Working Group (CCWG), recommended that in the coming time, Vietnam's policies on climate change need to continue to focus on gender mainstreaming, enhancing the role of women in this field and need more financial resources to support women so that no one is left behind.
According to Mr. Tang The Cuong, the contributions will help Vietnam find the right solutions to increase the effectiveness of climate change adaptation activities. In addition, Mr. Cuong also expects international partners to devote many preferential resources to climate change adaptation in Vietnam, supporting Vietnam in attracting the participation of businesses and the community in responding to climate change, towards the goal of achieving zero net emissions by 2050.
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