The Ministry of Science and Technology has had meetings with the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), several major universities, high-tech parks and startup centers in this Western European country.
The third meeting of the Vietnam-Germany Science and Technology Cooperation Committee on June 27 in Berlin. (Source: VNA) |
At the invitation of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), from June 25-28, a working delegation from the Vietnamese Ministry of Science and Technology led by Minister Huynh Thanh Dat had meetings with BMBF, several major universities, high-tech parks and startup centers in Germany.
The focus of the working trip was the 3rd Meeting of the Committee on Science and Technology Cooperation between the Ministry of Science and Technology of Vietnam and BMBF, which took place in Berlin on June 27.
This is a biennial meeting to update Vietnam and Germany's science, technology and innovation development policies, review the results achieved by both sides since the previous meeting, and discuss directions and plans for bilateral cooperation activities in the coming time.
Attending the meeting, on the German side were BMBF State Secretary Jens Brandenburg; on the Vietnamese side were Vietnamese Ambassador to Germany Vu Quang Minh; along with representatives of functional units of the two Ministries and representatives of scientists from the two countries.
Speaking at the meeting, Minister Huynh Thanh Dat highly appreciated the efforts of agencies and research institutes in implementing the conclusions of the second session, including the Program on management and warning of severe natural disasters in urban areas of Vietnam and Germany that has been deployed.
The Minister said that international cooperation and integration are among the important solutions to help Vietnam quickly improve its scientific and technological potential and level. Germany has been and will always be one of Vietnam's important strategic partners in cooperation on science, technology and innovation.
At the meeting, the delegation of the Ministry of Science and Technology of Vietnam shared the latest information on the National Strategy for Science - Technology Development and Innovation to 2030, the National Strategy on Research, Development and Application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to 2030, and the Strategic Orientation for the Development and Application of Biotechnology to Serve the Sustainable Development of the Country in the New Situation.
BMBF State Secretary Jens Brandenburg stressed that science and research can make a fundamental contribution to Germany's resilience and competitiveness. Germany has therefore adjusted the framework conditions to better protect science and promote cooperation.
He also said that, in addition to the challenges caused by increasing geopolitical tensions and climate change that the world has witnessed in recent years, AI with its far-reaching impacts is also requiring new ways of thinking and acting.
That is why the German Government – in which the BMBF plays a leading role – published its “Future Research and Innovation Strategy” in December 2023, which synthesizes, coordinates and defines the cross-sectoral goals, priorities and milestones of research and innovation policy for the coming years.
Mr. Brandenburg commented that Germany and Vietnam have successfully cooperated in science and technology for many years. Researchers work together in many diverse areas: sustainable urban development, land management, raw material efficiency and technology, climate change adaptation and bioeconomy.
In recent times, the two sides have also cooperated extensively on topics such as water, environmental technology and health research. This is the foundation for further cooperation between Vietnam and Germany in the future.
He also proposed that the two sides will jointly dialogue with their scientists to further develop and improve the framework conditions for bilateral cooperation projects.
Vietnamese delegates were particularly interested in German programs and initiatives on sustainable urban development (SURE Program), bioeconomy, medicine and climate change.
Minister of Science and Technology Huynh Thanh Dat and his delegation met with Minister of Science and Arts of Hessen state Timon Gremmels in Frankfurt on June 28. (Source: VNA) |
The two sides discussed, shared and reached an agreement on specific cooperation contents between the two Ministries in the coming time, aiming to realize the goals and missions set out in the Science and Technology Cooperation Agreement between the two Governments in 2015, contributing to the implementation of the commitments of the two countries' senior leaders and bringing the Strategic Partnership between the two countries to a new level; solving climate change issues, not only for Vietnam but also joining hands to solve global issues.
The two sides agreed to expand many bilateral cooperation programs between government agencies, research institutes, universities and science and technology organizations of the two countries in the future. Towards the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Vietnam and Germany and the 10th anniversary of the signing of the Science and Technology Agreement between the two countries in 2025, the two sides will jointly build meaningful activities.
Also within the framework of this working trip, the delegation of the Ministry of Science and Technology of Vietnam visited the High-Tech Park and worked with the Center of Excellence for Entrepreneurship and Technology Transfer of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia (Nordrhein-Westfalen); worked with the Chairman of the pioneering technology group WILO SE and visited the smart factory in Dortmund.
The delegation also had a working session with Humboldt University - one of Germany's oldest universities in Berlin; worked with Ambassador Vu Quang Minh and staff of the Vietnamese Embassy in Germany; met with scientists and intellectuals of Vietnamese origin working and researching in Germany.
In addition, Minister Huynh Thanh Dat had a quick meeting with the Minister of Science and Arts of Hessen state Timon Gremmels in Frankfurt to discuss future cooperation proposals.
Over the past decades, science and technology cooperation between Vietnam and Germany has continuously developed, notably with recent programs such as: International Partnership Program on Sustainable Innovation, Sustainable Healthcare and Urban Development Program, Bioeconomy Program, creating close cooperative relationships between research institutes and universities, promoting research and innovation activities, jointly solving academic problems that are Germany's strengths and serving the socio-economic development needs of Vietnam.
The results of the cooperation programs have contributed to implementing the two countries' strong commitments to mitigating the impacts of climate change and implementing the United Nations' sustainable development goals.
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