(Dan Tri) - The goal is that by 2030, Vietnam will be in the top 10 countries with the best university education systems in Asia, and by 2045, Vietnam's education will reach the world's advanced level.
5 core guiding principles
The Prime Minister has just issued Decision 1705 approving the Education Development Strategy to 2030, with a vision to 2045.
Based on Resolution 29 and Conclusion 91 on fundamental and comprehensive innovation in education and training, the education development strategy is built on the following 5 key guiding viewpoints:
Education and training development is a top national policy, playing a key role in national development. Investment in education and training is investment in development, and should be given priority in socio-economic development investment programs and plans. The State prioritizes investment and attracts other resources, creating conditions for the whole society to participate and contribute to educational development.
Continue to strongly and fundamentally innovate education and training. Continue to strongly shift the educational process from mainly equipping knowledge to comprehensively developing capacity and qualities, especially the capacity for innovation and creativity of learners. Implement well the principle of learning combined with practice, theory closely linked to practice, school education combined with family and social education.
Education and training are for people and human happiness, maximizing the human factor, taking people as the center, subject, goal, driving force and resource of development, creating the foundation for realizing the goal of a rich people, strong country, democracy, fairness, civilization, prosperous and happy country.
Promote the building of a learning society to create conditions for all people to study and learn regularly and for life. Develop education to ensure balance in quantity and quality; and reasonable structure of qualifications and occupations.
Proactively integrate internationally and absorb and apply advanced scientific and technological achievements in the world, especially achievements of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, digital technology, and artificial intelligence to modernize education.
By 2030, Vietnam aims to be among the 10 countries with the best university education systems in Asia.
By 2030, Vietnam aims to be among the four countries with the best university education systems in Southeast Asia and among the ten countries with the best university education systems in Asia. By 2045, Vietnam's education will reach the world's advanced level.
Specifically, with preschool education, strive to have 99.5% of preschool children attend school 2 sessions/day. The quality of nurturing, care and education is improved, ensuring that children develop comprehensively in terms of physical, emotional, intellectual, aesthetic, forming the first elements of personality, preparing to enter grade 1.
Strive for the rate of public and private preschools to reach 30%, and the number of children studying at public and private preschools to reach 35%.
For general education, strive for 100% of primary school students to study 2 sessions/day; the number of private general education institutions reaches 5% and the number of students studying at private general education institutions reaches 5.5%.
For higher education, strive for the number of university students per 10,000 people to reach at least 260, the proportion of university students in the age group of 18-22 to reach at least 33%, the proportion of international students studying higher education programs in Vietnam to reach 1.5%; the proportion of lecturers with doctoral degrees to reach at least 40%.
In addition, the proportion of training scale in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields reaches 35%. There are at least 5 higher education institutions ranked among the 500 best universities in the world, 5 higher education institutions in the group of 200 leading universities in Asia.
Research proposes to build a Law on Lifelong Learning
One of the key tasks and solutions related to perfecting institutions to implement the education strategy is to develop the Law on Teachers; research and propose the development of the Law on Lifelong Learning; review and propose amendments and supplements to the Law on Education, the Law on Higher Education and the Law on National Defense and Security Education.
The education development strategy also requires the promulgation of a new preschool education program; improving the quality of the implementation of the new general education program; perfecting regulations on university autonomy; researching and building a legal corridor on the application of artificial intelligence in the field of education and training; building breakthrough mechanisms and policies to attract and use foreign experts, scientists and overseas Vietnamese to teach; perfecting mechanisms and policies on salaries, recruitment, use, management, treatment, attraction and promotion of talents for teachers and education managers.
At the same time, implementing fairness and equality in access to education, having policies to support children under 36 months old to attend kindergarten, especially in areas with particularly difficult socio-economic conditions, industrial parks, export processing zones, densely populated urban areas, ensuring the right to access quality education for people with disabilities are emphasized tasks.
At the same time, it is necessary to develop the team of teachers and educational managers. Mechanisms and policies on recruitment, management, use, treatment and promotion of talents need to be improved to attract talented people to the education sector, ensuring the necessary material and spiritual conditions for teachers, managers and employees in the education sector to perform well their roles and tasks, feel secure in their work and contribute.
See full text here.
Source: https://dantri.com.vn/giao-duc/viet-nam-dat-muc-tieu-top-10-quoc-gia-ve-giao-duc-dai-hoc-tot-nhat-chau-a-20250102173255311.htm
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