GĐXH - Children are sometimes like angels in front of others, but are extremely spoiled and naughty in front of their mothers, all for their own reasons.
I feel safe when I am with you, mom.
A study by the Department of Psychology, University of Washington revealed that children are eight times more likely to "behave badly" when their mothers are around.
The only reason to explain this phenomenon is because mother is like a peaceful place in a child's life.
Children tend to act out more in front of their parents, especially their mothers.
No one wants to show their bad side in front of strangers. People seem to reserve their mischief and true emotions for their near and dear ones.
Kids are like that too. So the next time you find your child acting like an angel in front of others, but disorganized around you, the answer is: because you're their mom.
Children express themselves more in front of their mothers, and especially their mothers, because they feel comfortable, safe and supported. Illustration photo
Children look to their mothers for 'relief'
Any social situation involving strangers makes children feel uncomfortable. Everyone acts differently in the presence of strangers.
We tend to be more reserved, more withdrawn, and feel the need to be on our best behavior around people we don't know. This is also true for children.
But it takes a lot of time and energy for a child's undeveloped brain to control his or her actions.
So when they get home, kids often "free" themselves from the rules.
Children can have bad days too, and the tantrums they throw at their mothers can be their way of "relieving" it.
They attract attention
Another reason why children misbehave is to compete for their mother's attention with siblings, other adults, pets, or even her work.
Being naughty to attract you is the trump card of children. This happens mostly around mothers because mothers are the ones children crave the most.
Baby is testing mom's limits
Testing mom's limits is a natural thing for kids to do.
Children know that their relationship with their mother is safe, so they feel that they can be unruly, disobedient, and push the limits.
This shows that the child is developing normally and the mother has a good relationship with the child.
Deep down, children feel uncomfortable and insecure without boundaries and will push until they find them.
"Kids love making their own decisions. They're also evaluating what they can and can't do," says Tovah Klein, PhD, author of How Toddlers Thrive.
Children know their relationship with their mother is secure, so they feel they can be unruly, disobedient, and push boundaries. Illustration photo
Show strength
In some cases, a child's tantrum is not something they are acting out in front of you, but rather an attempt to manipulate and exert power over you.
For example, your child wants to eat his fourth pizza in a row and angrily declares, "I hate you, Mom. You never serve me anything I like, I don't eat it."
As soon as you see your child is normal without needing any time to recover emotionally, you can determine that he has successfully used the strategy of manipulating his mother.
Developmentally, it is completely normal for children to begin exploring and expressing their powers.
You can easily “suppress” this mindset by reasserting your power. But this type of parenting can be problematic in the long run.
At this age your child is listening to you and paying attention to what you say.
This is an important stage to teach your child to listen to their inner voice and instill confidence in themselves. As they grow, they will have the skills to avoid temptation.
Source: https://giadinh.suckhoedoisong.vn/vi-sao-tre-con-se-tro-nen-nghich-hon-khi-o-canh-me-172241107162227272.htm
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