The mouth does not have the same functions as the nose, so it cannot filter toxins in the air and moisten the respiratory tract, making the lungs more susceptible to infection.
A 2017 study on the differences between nose breathing and mouth breathing during exercise found that the body gains more benefits when breathing through the nose. In particular, breathing through the nose during anaerobic exercise reduces the ability to gasp, improving performance and brain activity. Mouth breathing, on the other hand, has little benefit for the body and can negatively affect a person's ability to think.
The reason is that the mouth does not have the same functions as the nose, such as temperature control, filtering toxins from the air, and moistening the respiratory tract. Mouth breathing reduces the activity of the respiratory muscles, such as the diaphragm, which reduces the lungs' ability to absorb oxygen.
In addition, mouth breathing can dry out the gums and lining tissue, thereby affecting the natural bacteria in the mouth, causing gum disease or tooth decay. Respiratory tract infections can occur, asthma can be aggravated when breathing through the mouth too much. Over a long period of time, mouth breathing can also cause physical changes in children, such as a long face, drooping eyes, dark spots under the eyes, narrow nostrils, open bite...
Mouth breathing while sleeping can be overcome by elevating your pillow and practicing breathing through your nose. Photo: Somnifix
Therefore, breathing through the mouth is not recommended and should only be done during high-intensity exercise. When people cannot breathe normally through the nose, they need to be examined and treated.
Mouth breathing can be prevented. For adults, some measures to prevent mouth breathing include increasing inhalation and exhalation exercises through the nose, and cleaning the nose and throat. When you notice that you are breathing through the mouth, close your mouth and breathe through your nose, and use a large pillow to prop up your head when sleeping. Families should increase home hygiene to keep their homes free of allergens, and install air filters if necessary.
If you regularly suffer from nasal congestion due to allergies or respiratory infections, you should have some quick fixes in mind, such as using a nasal spray on long trips and sleeping on your back with your head elevated. If you are stressed or anxious, you should practice yoga or meditation to reduce the urge to gasp for air.
In children, mouth breathing is difficult to prevent. However, families can help their children reduce mouth breathing by monitoring and treating diseases that cause nasal congestion. During sleep, families should observe whether their children snore or breathe through their mouths while sleeping to examine their health and perform a physical assessment to find the cause.
Chile (According to WebMD, Healthline, Medical News Today )
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