STEM education is an interdisciplinary teaching concept that combines the arts with traditional STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), considering this a key area that needs to be prioritized with a training scale ratio of 35%.
The plan sets the goal that by 2030, the network of higher education and pedagogical institutions will be developed in a synchronous and modern manner with a reasonable scale, structure and distribution; an open, fair, equal, high-quality and effective higher education system will be established; and the country will increasingly meet its people's learning needs and the requirements for a breakthrough and prosperous development in the new era based on high-quality human resources, science, technology and innovation. Specifically, the scale will be over 3 million learners, reaching 260 students and 23 postgraduates per 10,000 people; the rate of university education among people aged 18-22 will reach 33%, of which no province has a rate lower than 15%. The structure of training levels will be suitable for the requirements of knowledge-based economic development and modern industry; The proportion of master's training scale (and equivalent level) is 7.2%, doctoral training is 0.8%, college of pedagogy training is 1%; the proportion of STEM training scale is 35%. With a network of schools training in STEM fields, the plan aims to develop a network of more than 1 million learners, of which about 7% have master's degrees (and equivalent level), 1% have doctoral degrees. The State focuses on investing in upgrading and developing 5 public higher education institutions with leading capacity and reputation in training and research in a number of key and spearhead technical and technological fields and sectors. The goal is to help these schools become national key educational institutions in engineering and technology, with quality and reputation on par with the region, in which Hanoi University of Science and Technology is ranked among the leading higher education institutions in Asia...
Sharing about this issue, Deputy Minister of Education and Training Hoang Minh Son said: The reason why the planning focuses on STEM fields in addition to the teaching and health sectors is due to the policy of the Party and the State. In recent times, the Party and the State have always emphasized science - technology - innovation as the driving force for development. Therefore, in the planning, STEM training sectors are prioritized and considered key sectors.
According to Deputy Minister Hoang Minh Son, in addition to key sectors, there are key higher education institutions. When drafting the planning, there were opinions that the planning should set out criteria for schools that meet those criteria to be considered key schools. However, if so, it is not known when they will be selected, and there is not much time left. Therefore, the planning has selected a number of schools for key investment. In which, prestigious and quality training in related fields is the selection criterion. The planning does not provide a list of key schools for all fields, but only provides national, regional, STEM, and pedagogical scopes. In the health sector, the planning only requires selecting 3-5 key schools, specifically which schools the Ministry of Health will select and develop a development plan. Other fields will be selected and invested in by the relevant sectors in charge of these fields...
Many opinions also believe that planning to increase the proportion of STEM training plays a very important and decisive role in the development of society and the country in the era of 4.0 technology that is developing rapidly today. This creates a high-quality human resource in engineering and technology to meet the requirements of national development as stated in Resolution No. 57-NQ/TW of the Politburo on breakthroughs in science and technology development, innovation and national digital transformation. Through STEM majors, learners have the opportunity to apply interdisciplinary knowledge and synthetic skills into practice to solve practical and modern technical problems.
According to Associate Professor Dr. Le Dinh Hai, Deputy Head of the Faculty of Economics and Development, University of Economics, Vietnam National University, Hanoi, STEM is the place to provide a team of highly qualified human resources, capable of solving complex problems in science, technology, environment and society. When the scale of training in these fields is expanded, society will have enough qualified, creative and innovative labor force, contributing to promoting the development of the country. STEM fields not only teach knowledge but also encourage critical and creative thinking. Scientific research in these fields often provides breakthrough solutions, helping to solve urgent problems such as climate change, epidemics, or developing advanced technology. STEM fields play a key role in industrial development and economic modernization. Advanced technology and engineering are the foundation for producing high-quality products, thereby creating great added value for the economy and enhancing national competitiveness in the international arena.
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