For gym goers, sweating is a sign that they are having an effective workout. However, some people sweat more than others when exercising. This comes from many different causes, according to the health website Healthline (USA).
People with larger muscle mass will sweat more during exercise.
People with larger bodies generate more heat when they exercise. Therefore, their bodies will also sweat more. In addition, people with more lean muscle mass also sweat more than people with less muscle.
Regular exercise also causes one person to sweat more than another. For example, two people can both step on a treadmill, but the person who exercises regularly will sweat more than the person who is new to exercise or who exercises occasionally. This is because the body of the person who exercises regularly is used to the intensity of the exercise and has a cooling response sooner.
In fact, our body's sweat response changes to match our level of exercise. For example, beginners sweat less, but as we exercise for a long time, we sweat more.
Not only that, people who have been exercising for a long time will start sweating earlier. They can start sweating just by doing a few warm-up exercises. Because they sweat earlier, they will lose more water during the entire workout.
In addition, the composition of sweat also changes between beginners and those who have practiced for a long time. When you first practice, sweat will contain a lot of sodium, potassium and other electrolytes. But when you practice for a long time, the body will adapt, although you sweat more, the composition of electrolytes lost will decrease.
Sweating a lot will cause the body to lose water, which can easily cause cramps. Therefore, exercisers need to drink enough water. This amount of water will help exercisers regulate body temperature, and at the same time keep joints properly lubricated.
To ensure the body is hydrated, experts recommend drinking at least 500 ml of water 2 hours before exercise. During exercise, on average, drink about 200 to 300 ml of water every 20 minutes. Within 30 minutes after exercise, you should continue to drink at least 250 ml of water, according to Healthline .
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