On the morning of June 29, right after the closing session of the 7th Session, the National Assembly Office held a press conference to announce the results of the 7th Session of the 15th National Assembly.
Overall review for salary consistency
At the press conference, answering reporters' questions regarding why the basic salary was adjusted to increase by 30% but only 15% for the current pension and social insurance benefits, Mr. Dang Thuan Phong - Deputy Chairman of the National Assembly's Social Committee said that pensions were adjusted based on the increase in the CPI index over the past years.
“CPI has increased many times along with pensioners’ salaries. If added together, it would only increase by 11.5%, which is equal to the 30% increase for officials, civil servants and public employees. However, because pensioners still have a difficult life, the Salary Reform Steering Committee has considered increasing it to 15%. Therefore, if the CPI indexes are added together, the actual pension will increase by more than 30%,” Mr. Phong explained.
According to the Vice Chairman of the Social Committee, this shows the humanity in the policy, when giving priority to pensioners, especially retirees whose lives are still difficult.
Mr. Dang Thuan Phong - Deputy Chairman of the National Assembly's Social Committee.
Regarding the continued postponement of the third comprehensive salary reform, Mr. Phong said that the Resolution of the meeting clearly stated: Implement salary reform according to Resolution No. 27 in the public sector according to a roadmap, step by step, cautiously, firmly, ensuring feasibility and contributing to improving the lives of salary earners.
According to Mr. Phong, implementing new salary reforms needs to be based on building appropriate job positions and salaries.
However, this is a long-term process, while the determination of job positions is still not synchronous and consistent among ministries, branches, and localities even in the same field, or in the armed forces, there are still many issues that need to be clearly identified related to salary reform...
Therefore, the Steering Committee for salary reform has agreed to submit a "slow down" plan to allow the Government more time to review and calculate carefully, under the formula for determining job positions based on streamlining the payroll, from which there is a basis for calculating salary coefficients, salary levels... appropriately.
The Vice Chairman of the National Assembly's Social Committee suggested that in the coming time, the Government needs to conduct a comprehensive review to have a consensus regarding State management of wages, thereby having more effective solutions.
In particular, it is necessary to carefully consider salary reform based on resource conditions, especially for the period after 2026 because it is not yet possible to forecast the resources to implement salary reform for this period.
Accelerate the Law's effectiveness to ensure feasibility
Answering questions related to the project "1 law amending 4 laws". Specifically, the project aims to bring the Law amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Land Law, Housing Law, Real Estate Business Law, and Credit Institutions Law into effect and implement according to an earlier timeline from August 1, 2024.
Mr. Phan Duc Hieu - Standing Member of the National Assembly's Economic Committee said that this is a correct policy to soon put policies and laws into practice.
Mr. Phan Duc Hieu - Standing Member of the National Assembly's Economic Committee answered the press conference.
According to Mr. Hieu, the Government has shown its efforts and determination in bringing laws and policies into life as soon as possible. During the discussion of this bill, there was only one concern of some National Assembly deputies: if the Law is pushed into effect early, will it ensure feasibility, that is, will it ensure the issuance of full guiding documents to ensure the Law takes effect at the right time?
"We have discussed this a lot. The Government has also reported in detail on progress and demonstrated its commitments and determination through solutions. It cannot even be called a commitment because the Government has been acting very resolutely, and at the same time, directing relevant agencies to complete the draft Decrees at the central and local levels, to ensure that the Law is promulgated and takes effect according to the new time from August 1, 2024.
On the National Assembly's side, to ensure that this task is completed, the Resolution of the National Assembly session also emphasized that the National Assembly needs to ensure the issuance of detailed guiding documents, to avoid the phenomenon of no or slow issuance of documents, which leads to a situation where the law is effective but not implemented in practice," said Mr. Hieu.
According to the Standing Member of the National Assembly's Economic Committee, the issue of "1 law amending 4 laws" must be clearly understood that amending laws is not because of inadequacies but so that the laws can be put into practice soon .
Hoang Bich - Thu Huyen
Source: https://www.nguoiduatin.vn/vi-sao-luong-co-so-tang-30-ma-luong-huu-chi-tang-15-a670775.html
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