According to experts, the benchmark score increased due to higher High School Graduation Exam scores, the number of candidates increased while the quota for admission based on exam scores decreased.
Announcement of university benchmark scores shows that the benchmark scores in 2024 have increased sharply compared to 2023 in most majors, schools and fields; some majors have increased by nearly 5 points.
According to experts, the increase in benchmark scores is due to many reasons, including the basic reasons such as the increase in high school graduation exam scores and the number of students applying for university admission also increasing compared to 2023, leading to a more abundant source of candidates.
Specifically, according to statistics from the Ministry of Education and Training, this year, more than 733,000 candidates registered for admission to universities and colleges of preschool education on the ministry's general admission system, equivalent to 68.5% of the total number of candidates registered for the High School Graduation Exam, an increase of 73,000 students compared to 2023.
Regarding the High School Graduation Exam scores, Professor, Doctor of Science Nguyen Dinh Duc, Chairman of the Council of the University of Technology, Vietnam National University, Hanoi, said that analysis of the score data of the subjects showed that the percentage of candidates achieving excellent scores, that is, from 8 points (Literature subject only, from 7 points due to its specificity) in most subjects increased compared to 2023.
Specifically, in Mathematics, the number of exams scoring 8 or higher reached 18.97%, nearly 4% higher than the rate of 15.1% in 2023. This rate in Physics increased by 7.3% (from 21.31% to 28.68%). Chemistry also had 26.93% of exams scoring 8 or higher and a "bumper crop" of 10 points, with 1,278 10 points, while last year there were only 137 exams scoring 10 points.
The percentage of excellent scores in History increased by 6.6%. Geography even had a breakthrough when the percentage of excellent scores accounted for 31% while in 2023 it was only 6.6%. Geography also had a "shower" of 10s with 3,175 Geography exams achieving absolute scores while in 2023 there were only 35 exams achieving 10s.
In Literature, the number of exams with a score of 7 or higher accounted for 64.57%, a record high ever, an increase of nearly 18.67% compared to the rate of 45.9% in 2023.
The subject of Civic Education continues to "promote" the number of excellent scores at a "huge" level like in previous years with a rate of 65.83%, an increase of nearly 5% compared to the rate of 61% in 2023.
Professor Nguyen Dinh Duc said that with the above analysis, the fact that this year's university admission scores will increase from 1 to 3 points was predicted right from when the Ministry of Education and Training announced the exam scores.
However, according to Associate Professor Nguyen Thu Thuy, Director of the Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Training, from the perspective of overall management, in addition to the above two reasons, the increase in university admission scores this year in many majors is also due to the important reason that universities reserve more quotas for early admission methods, reducing quotas for admission methods based on high school graduation exam scores, leading to an increase in admission scores according to this method.
This is a trend that has been increasingly strong in many schools in recent years when schools have been given autonomy in recruiting students. Most recently, the National Economics University announced that in 2025, the school will only reserve 15% of its quota for admission based on high school graduation exam scores. Accordingly, in the past 5 years, the percentage of school quotas for this admission method has decreased sharply, from more than 70% to 15%.
Statistics from the Ministry of Education and Training show that schools currently have more than 20 different admission methods, of which the method based on high school graduation exam scores accounts for about 65% of the target.
According to Deputy Minister of Education and Training Pham Ngoc Thuong, admission based on high school graduation exam scores will help reduce costs for society, especially helping students in remote, isolated, and disadvantaged areas who do not have the means to travel or participate in many other exams but still have the opportunity to be admitted to university. Therefore, in the coming time, the Ministry will ask schools to increase the quota for this method.
With 29.3 points for 3 subjects for the majors of Literature Pedagogy and History Pedagogy, Hanoi National University of Education is the school with the highest standard score in 2024 up to this point.
Early last August, at the Higher Education Conference organized by the Ministry of Education and Training, Minister Nguyen Kim Son also spoke out strongly on this issue, saying that there are too many and too complicated admission methods.
According to Minister of Education and Training Nguyen Kim Son, early admission can cause students to neglect their studies during the final stage of grade 12. In addition, the fact that there are only a few admission quotas based on high school graduation exam scores, leading to high admission scores, also reduces candidates' chances, especially in getting into top schools.
Accordingly, the education sector commander said that the Ministry of Education and Training will consider this issue to include in next year's university admissions orientation.
Affirming that universities are autonomous in recruiting students, but that does not mean they can do whatever they want, Minister of Education and Training Nguyen Kim Son emphasized: "Autonomy is autonomy within the framework of regulations and because of this, the Ministry of Education and Training may have to increase some frameworks and sanctions to regulate."./.
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