First of all, Emperor Tongzhi died at the age of 21. Many rumors say that his empress, Alu Te, was pregnant but was forced to death by Cixi. However, this is just a legend. However, no evidence has been found in official history books.
In fact, Tongzhi's wedding with Empress Alu Te was held in the 11th year of Tongzhi, which was 1872. Tongzhi died in the 13th year, which was 1875. If we count from the day he had an empress until his death, Tongzhi had lived with concubines and beauties in the harem for more than 2 years. However, until Tongzhi's death, there was still no record of his children.
Image of Emperor Tongzhi. (Photo: Historical figure)
After Tongzhi died, Guangxu ascended the throne. Although he had an empress, two concubines, and thousands of beautiful palace maids of all ages, Guangxu still had no children.
Guangxu got married in the 14th year of Guangxu, which was 1888. In the 24th year of Guangxu, he was imprisoned by Empress Dowager Cixi in Yingtai, which meant the marriage lasted 10 years.
In many history books, the marriage between Guangxu and Consort Zhen was very happy. However, Consort Zhen could not help Guangxu give birth to a successor.
In 1898, after the Mau Tuat coup, Quang Tu was imprisoned by Tu Hy in Doanh Dai for 10 years until his death. During this time, Empress Diep Hac Na La Thi was also forced to follow and serve Quang Tu. Unfortunately, after 10 years of imprisonment in Doanh Dai with a life of lack of food and clothing, at the age of 38, Quang Tu died without having children.
Emperor Guangxu had a happy marriage with Consort Zhen but still had no children. (Photo: Sohu)
So did Emperor Puyi , Guangxu's successor. He ascended the throne at the age of two and died at the age of 61. He married a total of five wives, but the last emperor of the Qing Dynasty had no children.
So what was the origin of the last three emperors of the Qing Dynasty dying out?
Scientists have found the reason, is because the Qing Dynasty royal family had a system of incestuous marriage. The Jurchen tribe in the early period only had about 30 thousand people, while the Mongols had more than 400 thousand cavalry.
In order to expand their territory, the Jurchens allied with the Mongols by marrying Mongol girls. In return, they married their daughters to the nobles of the Mongol tribes. However, strengthening this alliance through marriage made the marriage relationship between the two tribes increasingly complicated and led to incestuous marriages.
In addition to incestuous marriages, there are many other reasons why the last three Qing emperors died out. (Photo: Sohu)
In addition to the influence of marriage customs, the extinction of the last three emperors also depended on the lifestyles of these three emperors.
As for Emperor Tongzhi, he was a famous debauched emperor who died of syphilis at the age of 21.
Guangxu suffered from a serious case of spermatorrhea, which prevented him from having children. He himself admitted to this disease at the age of 33, in 1907, a year before his death.
In his memoirs, Emperor Pu Yi wrote: “When Emperor Pu Yi was only 10 years old, in order to avoid serving the king, every night the eunuchs pushed the palace maids to serve him. The next day when I woke up, I felt dizzy, the sun and everything looked yellow.” From these memoirs, historians believe that the reason why Pu Yi had no heir was because he suffered from impotence.
Quoc Thai (Source: Sohu)
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