'Eggs are a rich source of nutrients and come in many different varieties. In terms of nutritional content, chicken eggs and quail eggs have their own strengths.' Start your day with health news to see more of this article!
Start your day with health news , readers can also read more articles: Should you take a hot or cold shower after exercising?; 4 fruits that can lower cholesterol and blood pressure at the same time ; Unexpected benefits of eggs, especially important for the elderly...
Are quail eggs more nutritious than chicken eggs?
Eggs are a rich source of nutrients and come in many different varieties, such as quail, chicken, duck, goose eggs... In terms of nutritional content, chicken eggs and quail eggs have their own strengths.
A medium-sized egg contains 72 calories, 6 grams of protein, choline, vitamins, potassium, sodium, and many other nutrients. In particular, the protein in eggs is a very good ingredient for muscle development. Choline helps provide essential nutrients to improve brain and nerve function.
Quail eggs have the advantage of being thicker than chicken eggs.
Quail eggs also contain many nutrients similar to chicken eggs. In 100 grams, quail eggs have 2 mg more iron than chicken eggs. However, the amount of vitamin B12 in quail eggs is 1 gram less than that in chicken eggs. Vitamin B12 plays an essential role in nerve function. Long-term vitamin B12 deficiency can cause numbness in the legs and arms due to nerve damage.
Not only that, quail eggs also contain more of two amino acids, isoleucine and tryptophan, than chicken eggs. Isoleucine helps regulate blood sugar, while tryptophan helps synthesize serotonin, a neurotransmitter that helps you fall asleep easily.
Because the nutritional content between chicken eggs and quail eggs is only slightly different, they can be completely replaced in the daily diet. Therefore, everyone can completely use quail eggs in meals instead of chicken eggs. Readers can read more about this article on the health page on November 5.
4 fruits that can lower cholesterol and blood pressure at the same time
High cholesterol and high blood pressure are two of the biggest risks to heart health. Certain fruits can help control both cholesterol and high blood pressure.
Some statistics show that about 60% of people with high cholesterol also have high blood pressure. If you have both diseases at the same time, the risk of heart attack and stroke will increase significantly.
Several studies have shown that the antioxidant resveratrol in grapes can simultaneously lower cholesterol and help control blood pressure.
Fruits that can reduce blood cholesterol and high blood pressure at the same time include:
Apples . Studies show that apples can control blood cholesterol and help lower blood pressure at the same time. Not only that, apples can also help control blood sugar and improve gut health.
A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that eating one to two apples a day for eight weeks can help reduce blood cholesterol levels by 5 to 8 percent. The antioxidants and fiber content in apples can also help lower blood pressure and improve heart health.
Berries. Berries such as strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, cherries, and blackcurrants are not only rich in vitamins and minerals, but are also a rich source of antioxidants such as flavonoids and anthocyanins. These substances help prevent cancer, balance blood pressure, and reduce cholesterol in the blood. The following content of this article will be available on the health page on November 5.
Should you take a hot or cold shower after exercise?
Showering after exercise is beneficial for your health because it helps clean your skin and prevents the accumulation of dirt and bacteria. However, taking a hot or cold shower has its own benefits and precautions to ensure your health.
Specialist Doctor 2 Nguyen Thi Diem Huong, University of Medicine and Pharmacy Hospital, Ho Chi Minh City - Branch 3 said that taking a hot bath after physical activity helps dilate blood vessels and increase blood circulation. This will help bring blood rich in nutrients and oxygen to the muscles, thereby helping to reduce post-workout conditions such as muscle tension and general pain.
Showering after exercise helps remove dirt and bacteria that have accumulated on the body.
In addition, hot water is also very effective in helping many people relax physically and mentally. It can soothe muscles, creating a feeling of relaxation after a long period of activity.
Conversely, cold showers cause vasoconstriction. However, as the blood vessels constrict, they create a scavenger that clears lactic acid buildup in tired muscle tissue, while also reducing the inflammation that accompanies heat, providing some pain relief associated with inflammation and reducing swelling.
“During exercise, the body produces heat, so the internal temperature will often increase. To prevent the body from overheating, sweat is secreted to remove excess heat. Just as cold drinks help cool us down, so does cold showers. Cold water reduces body temperature and helps maintain homeostasis by bringing the body back to normal temperature,” Dr. Diem Huong explained.
Dr. Diem Huong also added that cold showers also help reduce delayed onset muscle soreness after intense exercise. Some studies show that cold water can promote recovery. Therefore, experts recommend using cold therapy techniques to recover after exercise. Start your day with health news to see more content of this article!
Source: https://thanhnien.vn/ngay-moi-voi-tin-tuc-suc-khoe-ve-dinh-duong-trung-ga-khac-trung-cut-the-nao-185241104233326372.htm
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