18 wedding dress designs in high fashion style inspired by flowers and nature were painstakingly created by designer Huy Tran and his team in 240 hours.
Designer Huy Tran has just launched the collection Eden Rebloomed , marking a new step in his journey of fashion creation.
According to the designer, the 18 new designs symbolize the rebirth of the Garden of Eden in every inch of fabric, where flowers and nature are not just fashion accents but blend into the breath of life and the happiness of couples.
Huy Tran and his team spent 240 hours creating the wedding dresses. The main material used in the entire collection is meticulously processed flowers, with a variety of techniques from hand-crafted 3D shaping, meticulously beaded, soft fringes to lace flower branches, helping each design bring a multi-layered, vivid and emotional visual effect.
In addition to the elaborate floral designs or delicate lace combinations, the collection also celebrates minimalistic plain dresses. The asymmetrical draping technique, the graceful ribbon bows, or the hand-made fabric embossing are all testaments to the designer's haute couture tailoring skills.
Designs go through a rigorous development and shape control process, where every detail from seams to hidden structures inside achieves near-absolute perfection.
The designs in the collection represent each state of nature, from budding buds, petals swaying in the wind, to intersecting foliage creating a vivid picture of paradise.
“Modern brides always look for their dream wedding dress to have a unique and sophisticated spirit. A hidden beauty does not lie in ostentation but comes from the standards in each cut and stitch and the high-class craftsmanship,” shared designer Huy Tran.
Huy Tran has been active since 2011. Many Vietnamese artists favor his designs such as: Thanh Hang, Ho Ngoc Ha, Minh Hang, Toc Tien, Le Hang... After 13 years of working, the designer has launched many collections, making positive contributions to the Vietnamese fashion industry.
Photo, clip: NVCC
Source: https://vietnamnet.vn/vay-ao-cao-cap-lay-cam-hung-hoa-la-ton-240-gio-hoan-thanh-2383201.html
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