In April 2018, the online newspaper VTC News published a series of investigative articles about the heresy called the Church of God, exposing illegal preaching groups in many localities that have caused many families to be separated and homes to be destroyed, causing great resonance.
Immediately after that, the authorities investigated, prevented and pushed out of social life illegal preaching points and groups, severely punished the ringleaders, and healed the rifts for many families whose relatives had fallen into these groups.
However, with the ambition to enjoy the suffering of gullible Saints, some people who benefit from this organization hide and wait for the right time, switching to secret activities, using sophisticated and cunning tricks and methods, avoiding detection and handling by the authorities.
Heresy in the name of the Church of God is active again.
On the afternoon of May 20, 2023, the Working Group of Ha Dong District Police together with the professional units of Hanoi City Police, Ha Dong District People's Committee, Ward People's Committee and Duong Noi Ward Police, in coordination with a group of VTC News reporters, conducted an administrative inspection and discovered a group of people practicing heresy.
This is the initial result after 6 months of VTC News reporters investigating and infiltrating the cult that uses the name of the Church of God to operate in many locations right in the heart of the capital.
VTC News reporters infiltrated this cult to become "Saints" by participating in many classes, rituals... to collect evidence and documents.
From today, VTC News will publish a series of special investigative articles exposing psychological manipulation tricks to lure, entice and control believers, causing suffering for individuals and families.
Through this, we will once again make an effort to awaken the “Saints” who have gone astray. We will also be determined to join the authorities in taking drastic action to eradicate this heresy that uses the name of the Church of God from social life.
In the role of a freelance woman who loves to sit alone in a book cafe, I got to know Phuong Thanh, a pretty 9x girl who is looking for people with an introverted tendency to spread a document called the Bible, gradually recruiting them to become "Saints" of the Church - an evil organization that has caused many families to be broken, children to turn against their parents, and couples to separate...
Later, I learned and realized that their Bible was something that heretical groups took excerpts of all kinds from somewhere and then cut and pasted them into a "curriculum" to spread, attracting participants to strive to achieve the rank called "Saint".
My conversation with Phuong Thanh lasted more than 2 hours. The girl passionately talked about the spiritual world, science and especially the universal secret book in life called the Bible.
Through that initiation session, it seemed that the missionary girl saw that I had faith and wanted to see the "golden book" of the Bible, so Phuong Thanh agreed to let me meet Ms. Lien - who was vaguely introduced as having a position in the Church.
Before this woman arrived at the meeting point, besides Thanh, I also had the opportunity to meet another person in the Church named Thom, who also came to take care of me. Phuong Thanh was only the one who sowed the good karma in the beginning, the one who would be by my side in the coming days was Thom.
A woman named Lien arrived at the meeting place in office attire, carrying a heavy briefcase. Upon meeting, Lien appeared very friendly, talking openly like old friends who had just had the chance to meet again.
“Do you believe in God?”, “Who knows the future - it is God”, Lien asked me and started talking endlessly about stories as if to probe the listener's attitude and grasp her psychology.
Knowing that I am a bookworm, Lien went straight to the main topic - advertising the "treasure" of the Bible with a reverent attitude and a fluent voice. Listening to her words, I felt like I was being drawn into a speech that had been rewound too many times from a tape recorder.
Seeing that I wanted to absorb every word and showed interest in the book that contained those 8 best qualities, this woman used a gentle, inspiring voice to continue to suggest the values of the book.
Not only converging 8 best, Ms. Lien also especially emphasized that the book has spiritual elements but is scientific spirituality, historical science and knowledge and is also a prophetic book.
“The Bible was written 1,500 years before Christ. To date, the Bible has been published for 3,500 years and has been published for 6.5 billion copies, sold worldwide. Thus, at least 6.5 billion people read this book, which is 2/3 of the world's population. The book was auctioned for 14.2 million USD, or about 300 billion VND, and is currently translated into 2,400 languages.
The Bible is different from all other books in this world. It is considered an encyclopedia with more than 10 fields ranging from economics, law, painting, education... From just one Bible, many authors have been inspired to create other books, sometimes even quoting from this book", Ms. Lien emphasized.
After saying enough, and seeming to have absorbed it, Ms. Lien carefully took out a thick book from her bag, which she was carrying at an angle, and said it was the Bible.
She said, it includes the length of history, inside contains mysteries, depth and the value of the book is more than any gold, silver, diamond as well as any precious things in the world.
“The Bible is 100% correct because 99% of the prophecies have come true,” seeing the audience nod, Lien took out her laptop. Quickly turning on the computer, opening the slides, she continued to talk nonstop.
Feeling that I was captivated by the boundless values of the Bible and the things she had just introduced, Ms. Lien changed the topic to God - the conversation had been interrupted in a vague way right from the beginning of our meeting. This woman said "as sure as a nail", God has boundless power, governing life and death, and the blessings and misfortunes of mankind.
While trying to cram the concept of God into my head, seeing the student sitting next to her flipping through the pages of a book, Ms. Lien immediately stopped sharing with me and turned to this student and sweetly introduced herself as “classmates”, studying at the same university as Hanoi University of Science and Technology.
When she wanted to "make friends with classmates" to later interact, she invited me to a club but received an indifferent attitude from the students. This woman said goodbye and then turned back to continue talking about God and the Bible with me.
To gradually introduce me to the contents of the Bible that I was holding in my hand, Lien continued to explain: "Before knowing the wonderful content in the Bible, you must believe that the words written in the Bible are true, scientifically proven, and not baseless." Lien said and showed me a few sentences written in this book.
I was confused with each word written in it and did not understand where the prophecy was expressed. As if reading my thoughts, Lien quickly explained: "The Bible is sealed with parables, all the words in the Bible are parables, are shadows, so many people, even though they recite the Bible, do not understand God's meaning as well as the mysteries in it."
At this time, Ms. Lien no longer used the word God but switched to calling it God. It seemed that she wanted to use a word that was familiar to everyone to lead to a more sublime concept.
Seeing the person next to me listening to the explanation but still vague about the Bible being sealed with examples, Lien turned on a video for me to watch about the Prophecies recorded in the Bible.
That is one of the examples recorded in the "omnipotent" book placed before us. According to Ms. Lien, if the listener does not have that example explained, he or she will not be able to grasp the profound meaning and prophecy of God.
“God stretched out the North Pole over the empty space, and suspended the Earth in space,” this is a sentence in the Bible. At that time, people did not believe that the Earth could float in space, but by the 16th and 17th centuries, it was proven that the Earth floated in space. So the Bible had already said that 3,500 years ago,” Ms. Lien confidently explained.
While listening to the lecture, I asked permission to leave for a few minutes. During this time, Sister Lien whispered to Sister Thom that the purpose of today's talk was to open my mind and heart. She opened the way for the sisters to share more easily with me in the future.
When I returned, the two stopped whispering and smiled at me warmly. I suggested that I buy the Bible to read and ponder at home. Lien hesitated a bit and then said that the publisher sells this book, but she advised me to listen to it. When I feel enlightened, God will open the way for me to have the Bible.
“Buy it when you understand its value because even if you read it now, you won’t understand it. Only when God opens the seal can you read it to understand and see its value. Read it to see what benefits or blessings you receive through God,” Lien advised me.
After nearly 2 hours of sharing, seeing that I was “full” of the teachings, Ms. Lien excused herself that she had something to do and asked permission to leave first. Before leaving, she did not forget to promote the value of God and the Bible as His word.
Even though I answered this woman's questions about the Bible hesitantly and nodded my head in agreement, and sometimes I even said very honestly, "I don't know," this woman still praised me.
She praised me for listening and understanding what the Bible says today, saying that I have been blessed, loved by God, and have had my ears and eyes opened. Because many people do not have that blessing, and even if they read or are shared, they will not understand. This, according to Ms. Lien, is “heaven’s grace.”
“If you listen diligently for a few sessions, you will be able to understand the truth of the Bible and understand God’s will, and know what the prophecies of today are. This is the most important thing. Knowing the future will help you plan your life,” Ms. Lien emphasized, then packed up and left, leaving me and Ms. Thom to continue the conversation.
And from Ms. Thom, I started studying the Bible's words via Zoom software, and began to be led into the maze of life-changing events from normal to the dark.
* Throughout this report, character names have been changed.
Next: Spreading Fear of the Apocalypse
Those who bear the name of the Prophet use sweet words from enticement to instilling fear and then comforting and soothing the Saints to wholeheartedly believe and serve the Church.
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