According to The Guardian , an unnamed young woman discovered a large treasure while searching for metal in a cornfield near an ancient fortress. This ancient fortress, called Fyrkat, is located near the town of Hobro, Denmark.
The hoard is a collection of 300 coins. The North Jutland Museum in Denmark received the batch for examination. Based on the inscriptions on them, we were able to determine that the coins date back to the year 980.
A girl accidentally found a great treasure while searching for metal. (Photo: Sohu)
Mr. Lars Christian Norbach, Director of the North Jutland Museum - where the above artifacts will be displayed, said that it is very rare to find such a treasure.
The artifacts, which date back to the same period as the Fyrkat fortress, provide further details about the Vikings' history. The Vikings believed that burying their treasures would help them find them after their death.
Other silver jewelry was found along with the coins. (Photo: Sohu)
The ancient coins found have origins and characters from several countries such as Denmark, Germany, and even some coins with Arabic characters. In addition, some silver artifacts were also discovered among the ancient coins.
“From this discovery, we see a connection between the ancient coins - which were buried by Viking warriors during battles - and the ancient fortress of Fyrkat - which was burned down in the late 10th century,” Mr. Norbach added.
Archaeologists continue to excavate to find more artifacts here. (Photo: Sohu)
Archaeologists will continue excavations next fall after the harvest, hoping to find more information about the burial sites and homes of the people who once owned the treasure.
The North Jutland Museum awarded the finder of the ancient coins a monetary reward worthy of her contribution to Danish archaeology.
Quoc Thai (Source: The Guardian)
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