Today (May 16), the weather in Hanoi as well as other places in the North, North and Central Central regions will enter a heat wave.
The temperature in Hanoi today is high, reaching the hot threshold, the highest temperature is about 34-36 degrees; the lowest tonight fluctuates 24-26 degrees.
Specifically, the weather in Hanoi on May 16, from 7am to 7pm, is partly cloudy and hot. Southeast to south wind level 2-3. Highest temperature: 34-36 degrees. Average humidity: 60-70%. Chance of rain: 0%.
From night to early morning the next day (around 7pm-7am), it will be cloudy, no rain. Southeast to south wind level 2-3. Lowest temperature: 24-26 degrees. Average humidity: 80-90%. Chance of rain: 0%.
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