At the conference to review the first 6 months of the year and deploy tasks for the last 6 months of 2024 of the Ministry of Finance held today (July 15), a representative of the State Securities Commission informed about the implementation of upgrading the stock market from frontier to emerging.
In terms of law, the State Securities Commission has coordinated with international organizations, market members, and scientists to research and propose feasible solutions to resolve these problems. On that basis, the State Securities Commission has drafted a Circular amending and supplementing 4 circulars on transactions, registration, depository and clearing, securities company operations, and information disclosure.
The draft Circular has been published in the mass media to solicit comments from affected entities. To date, the State Securities Commission has compiled and received comments and completed the final draft of the Circular. It is expected that in the second week of July, the State Securities Commission will submit to the Ministry of Finance the entire content of this draft, along with the received and explained contents, to be posted on the websites of the Ministry of Finance and the State Securities Commission before promulgation. According to the assessment of domestic and foreign experts, the solutions and new regulations in the draft Circular are appropriate and highly feasible.
Regarding the preparation of market members. The State Securities Commission has regularly discussed, coordinated and organized a series of meetings and discussions with market members, especially securities companies and depository banks, to update the latest information to support market members in being prepared in terms of systems, resources and appropriate management solutions when the circular is issued.
The State Securities Commission also actively works regularly with rating organizations and major international investors to disseminate the policies, orientations and determination of the Government, the Ministry of Finance, the State Securities Commission as well as the specific solutions proposed and implemented. Rating organizations and major international investors all have very positive assessments of the determination and solutions being implemented.
In the coming time, the State Securities Commission will actively and proactively discuss and coordinate with relevant ministries, branches, rating organizations, major international investors and market members to implement solutions to soon upgrade the Vietnamese stock market according to the set roadmap, aiming to attract the participation of foreign investors in the Vietnamese market.
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