Summarizing the implementation of Resolution 119 (NQ 119) dated June 19, 2020 of the National Assembly on piloting the organization of the urban government model (UMG) and a number of specific mechanisms and policies for the development of Da Nang City (from July 1, 2021), the Da Nang City Party Committee assessed that the pilot implementation of the model associated with promoting decentralization and delegation of authority initially promoted superiority, ensured democracy and brought about a number of positive results.
Well-implemented administrative reform has improved the quality of public services in Da Nang City.
According to Secretary of the City Party Committee Nguyen Van Quang, regarding the management of ward civil servant payrolls, the City People's Council has allocated 675 civil servant payrolls to work at the People's Committees of 45 wards (an average of 15 people/ward) and decided on the number of civil servant payrolls of ward People's Committees in each district. Based on the task requirements of each ward, the District People's Committee specifically decides on the number of civil servants for each civil servant position working at the ward People's Committee.
With the characteristics of civil servants of the Ward People's Committee belonging to the civil servant payroll of the District People's Committee and managed and used by the District People's Committee, the People's Committee of Da Nang City has directed the development, appraisal and approval of the project of job positions of the People's Committees of 45 wards in the area in accordance with the new civil servant and public service regime when piloting the investigation agency.
"This is a new mechanism and policy that creates the basis for standardizing the team of ward civil servants in a professional direction; creating initiative, flexibility, and simplifying administrative procedures in planning, training, rotation, and transfer of cadres between districts and wards and vice versa," Mr. Quang assessed. According to the survey results, 91.5% of cadres, civil servants, and public employees assessed that the implementation of this new civil service regime is reasonable, bringing positive results in performing tasks compared to before.
At the working session with National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue on November 11, the Secretary of the Da Nang City Party Committee proposed that the National Assembly allow Da Nang City to officially apply the model of e-Government and amend and supplement a number of regulations to remove obstacles and shortcomings in implementation. Mr. Nguyen Van Quang also proposed that the National Assembly, after reviewing Resolution 119, allow Da Nang City to apply similar policies and mechanisms as some localities, including: mechanisms and policies on investment management, planning, urban areas and natural resources - environment; policies on science and technology management, innovation; mechanisms and policies on salaries and organization of the government apparatus.
National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue commented that although the implementation of Resolution 119 was short-lived and at a time when the Covid-19 pandemic was severely affecting the city, it had achieved some positive results. Notably, the city's government apparatus was streamlined and operated more smoothly, administrative agencies were active and proactive in managing and promptly and effectively resolving urgent issues in the locality; contributing positively to administrative reform, creating a trusting environment for tourists, people and businesses. The National Assembly Chairman suggested that Da Nang should proactively coordinate with agencies to review the implementation of Resolution 119 to propose to the Central Committee and the Politburo to direct and discuss with the National Assembly and the Government Party Committee to allow the development of a new resolution to replace and supplement Resolution 119; Carefully study the specific mechanisms and policies that have been applied by the National Assembly to other localities in the past to serve as a basis for proposing appropriate mechanisms and policies to create outstanding development momentum for the city in the coming time.
The Secretary of the Da Nang City Party Committee informed that after 1 year of implementing the project on Decentralization and Delegation of State management associated with the pilot organization of the CQDT model for the period 2021 - 2026, the City Party Committee has directed the review, consideration, adjustment or supplementation of the contents of decentralization and delegation to ensure compliance with regulations and suitability with the reality and conditions in localities and units.
After more than 2 years of pilot implementation, the district and ward administrative agencies have innovated their organizational structure, working regime and adjusted their functions and tasks, promoting initiative, increasing the authority and personal responsibility of district and ward leaders. Agencies, localities and units have synchronously implemented the contents of the administrative reform plan, expanded utilities to support people in implementing public services, contributing to improving the quality of people's lives; gradually transforming the working methods of agencies from a traditional environment to a digital environment based on digital data and digital technology.
The model of CQDT associated with building a smart city has helped Da Nang City make a breakthrough in digital transformation.
Up to now, in Da Nang City, the rate of online public services with online records has reached 93%, the rate of online records is 73% (1.3 times higher than the national average rate, exceeding the national target of 50% in 2022). The People's Committee of Da Nang City has directed agencies and units to deploy 1,867 online public services at levels 3 and 4 (including 1,835 level 4 services). The implementation of the financial and budget management mechanism has achieved a number of results, including: revenues in districts and wards are transferred to the city budget for management, concentrating large resources for the city budget; expenditures are implemented in accordance with norms and regimes; savings in budget use.
The Secretary of the Da Nang City Party Committee added that the implementation of a number of specific mechanisms and policies has achieved many important initial results. Regarding the rate of regulation for the city budget, the National Assembly has decided that the revenue sharing rate for 2022 between the central budget is 9% and the city budget enjoys 91%. For the period 2023 - 2025, the central budget sharing rate is 17% and the city budget enjoys 83% (the rate for the period 2017 - 2021 is 68%). "Thus, compared to the previous period, the Central Government has paid attention to deciding on an appropriate regulation rate for the city budget to ensure resources for the city's socio-economic development," Mr. Quang assessed.
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