Speaking at the ceremony to honor outstanding teachers on the morning of November 17, the Minister of Education and Training said: 'Excellence does not wait to be assigned or requested, but that excellence needs to be demonstrated through a spirit of dedication, responsibility, initiative, and positivity in what has been done, is being done, and needs to be done for the country's education'.
Minister Nguyen Kim Son expressed his recognition and high appreciation for the contributions of teachers to the education sector, to the country's science and innovation career over the past time.
Minister Nguyen Kim Son spoke on the morning of November 17.
He said: "Education is a difficult task, true education, education with the right moral principles, education towards high quality, attracting learners, spreading the spirit of creativity and endless inspiration for learning to learners is even more difficult."
In the coming time, Minister Kim Son pointed out many challenges that the education sector will have to face to overcome and successfully carry out major tasks. After a successful initial process of innovation in general education and higher education, it is time for us to focus on innovation and upgrading preschool education.
At the same time, general education has reached the time to complete the first cycle of curriculum and textbook innovation. There needs to be an evaluation of the implementation process of general education innovation to draw experience and adjust necessary content to implement innovation in more depth.
That is innovation towards perfecting and improving the quality of education, supporting disadvantaged areas, promoting favorable areas and moving towards international standards. Under those conditions, English will become the second language as expected in the recent Conclusion 91 of the Politburo. Many issues will need to be thoroughly and extensively resolved such as human development in the new challenges of digital education, artificial intelligence (AI) and the rapid and constant development and change of technology, science and engineering...
Pointing out a series of major tasks as above, Mr. Kim Son acknowledged: "To successfully implement, the entire education sector must be very determined and must meet many necessary conditions. In particular, the human factor, typically teachers and education managers, plays a particularly important role."
Hope teachers overcome their own limits
People's teachers, excellent teachers, and exemplary teachers will be the core to best promote their own experience, intelligence, determination, and creativity, while sharing, spreading, inspiring positivity, and multiplying good things to the community of teachers.
The titles are recognition and honor for the past, the depth of performance and contribution of teachers, and also expectations and hopes for teachers to continue to shine and contribute to the cause of educational development.
Quoting the old saying: "Ginger gets spicier with time, teachers get better with years", the head of the education sector said: "I respectfully hope that teachers will continue to self-study, self-renew, overcome their own limits to best promote their excellence.
Teachers are the elite who need to be the core for solving new and difficult problems. Excellence does not wait to be assigned or requested, but that excellence needs to be demonstrated through the spirit of dedication, responsibility, initiative, and positivity in what has been done, is being done, and needs to be done for the country's education."
Source: https://thanhnien.vn/bo-truong-bo-gd-dt-uu-tu-khong-doi-phai-phan-cong-185241117165138133.htm
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