Based on the exam score data of the Ministry of Education and Training, Thanh Nien Newspaper analyzed the exam scores according to each subject group, focusing on the 4 groups most commonly used by universities in admissions: A00 (math, physics, chemistry), A01 (math, physics, English), D07 (math, chemistry, English), D01 (math, literature, English).
Candidates after the English exam, a component subject of block D01, 2024 high school graduation exam
The analysis results show that the three combinations A00, A01, D07 are quite similar. The combination D01, which is often used by schools in conjunction with A01, is unusually high. In the score range from 15 to 26, the number of D1 candidates is overwhelming compared to the other three combinations according to the corresponding score. At 15 points or more, the recruitment source of D01 is 2.46 times higher than A00. At 2 points higher, the gap between D01 and the remaining combinations is closer, but the recruitment source of D01 (682,103 candidates) is still 2.29 times higher than A00 (297,682 candidates). Up to 19 points, the recruitment source of D01 is double that of A00 (512,657 with 251,914 candidates).
From the score range of 20 - 26 points, the D01 combination is still dominant. At the level of 20 points or more, A00 has 220,308 TS; A01 has 192,723 TS; D01 has 418,344 TS (1.9 times more than A00). The higher the level, the more the number of high-scoring D01 TS is closer to the number of corresponding TS scores of the remaining combinations.
At 22 points, D01 has 1.67 times more students than A00 (240,931 D01 students with 143,969 A00 students). At 24 points or more, D01 has 90,736 students, A00 has 65,362 students (1.6 times more or less). At 26 points or more, D01 has 19,499 students, 1.4 times more than A00 students (13,922). Thus, with schools considering 4 groups A00, A01, D07, D01 with standard scores from 22 - 26, the number of D01 students admitted is overwhelming.
After the 26-point mark, the graphs of the new combinations begin to tend to get closer together. For example, at the 26.5-point mark, D01's recruitment source has 9,097 candidates, while A00 has 8,024 candidates (1.13 times more). At the 27-point mark, the advantage begins to lean towards candidates with higher A00 combination scores: 4,134 (A00) and 3,364 (D01).
Compare the recruitment sources of 4 groups A00, A01, D07, D01 from 20 points or more
According to Thanh Nien Newspaper's analysis, at the score range of 20 - 26, the D01 combination's high score is mainly due to the literature score being too high compared to the physics and chemistry scores. The English score range is similar to the physics and chemistry score range.
According to the Ministry of Education and Training, this year's university admissions (as well as last year's) are conducted entirely on the Ministry of Education and Training's general admissions support system. Candidates only need to register for the school's major and training program, without having to register to choose the admission method or admission combination. The system will use, arrange and select the best data provided by candidates in the database to consider admission to the highest possible choice.
The purpose of the system is to help candidates avoid mistakes in choosing combinations and admission methods. "This is to create maximum conditions and also maximize the benefits and rights of candidates. In fact, the Ministry of Education and Training and training institutions are taking on the difficult work, so that candidates can choose easily and choose the best with their current abilities," said Ms. Nguyen Thu Thuy, Director of the Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Training.
Recruitment source A00, A01, D07, D01 from 20 - 26.50 points
However, with the above admission principles, the admission results will contain the risk of injustice because many schools currently use the same standard score even though they use many different combinations, while the score distribution of the combinations is different due to the quality of the exam questions of the subjects being too different. This year, we can clearly see the difference in the score distribution of literature compared to most of the remaining subjects, while literature is one of the three subjects that make up the D01 combination (literature, math, English), a combination that many schools use for admission together with the combinations A00 (math, physics, chemistry), A01 (math, physics, English), D07 (math, chemistry, English).
For many years now, although the number of candidates taking the natural science exam has been decreasing, the quota for combinations with natural science subjects is overwhelming (very few schools reserve quotas for group C). On the other hand, this year as well as previous years, only a few top universities have divided the quotas for each combination if they use multiple combinations for admission (the benchmark scores of the combinations are independent of each other). Most schools, especially schools of business, economics, management, etc., use the same benchmark score for all combinations, including combination D01.
Another worrying feature is that more and more technical schools are expanding their recruitment sources to D01 instead of just limiting them to A00, A01, D07. The immediate benefit of expanding their recruitment sources is that the benchmark scores will increase, creating a positive image in public opinion. However, the consequence is that the training process will be of poor quality, when schools select PhDs who do not have a foundation in natural science subjects, affecting the effectiveness of acquiring specialized knowledge at university.
What will be the minimum score for the health sector?
According to the Ministry of Education and Training, it is expected that today, July 19, the Ministry will hold a meeting of councils to decide on the quality assurance threshold (floor score) for health and education groups.
For the health sector alone, the main source of recruitment for universities is based on candidates with combined test scores of B00. Therefore, the important basis for the council to propose the minimum score for this field is the combined score range of B00.
According to Thanh Nien Newspaper's analysis, the B00 combination score distribution this year is basically similar to 2023, much higher than 2022. Accordingly, at the threshold of 19 points (the floor score for midwifery, dental prosthetics, medical testing, medical imaging, rehabilitation, nursing, and preventive medicine) and above, the source of group B candidates this year is 241,907, last year it was 240,949. The number is similar at the corresponding score thresholds between this year and last year, up to 20.5 points (182,035 this year and 180,386 last year).
From the 21-point mark (last year's traditional medicine and pharmacy floor mark), this year's recruitment source is slightly higher than last year's: 160,293 compared to 156,173. At the 22-point mark, this year's recruitment source is nearly 10,000 more than last year's.
Reaching the mark of 22.5 points (the floor score for medical and dental majors) or higher, this year's recruitment source exceeds last year's by more than 11,000 candidates (94,627 vs 83,270).
Therefore, according to Thanh Nien Newspaper's forecast, the minimum score for the health sector this year will remain at least the same as last year: 19; 21 and 22.5 points.
B00 block combination score in the past 3 years
Source: https://thanhnien.vn/diem-chuan-dh-uu-the-se-thuoc-ve-thi-sinh-diem-thi-khoi-d1-cao-hon-185240718235232707.htm
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